The Hand of Fate

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I didn't know what I should have expected as we continued to follow Galadriel through the tree lined walk of Lórien. I tried to consider my feelings, like any good self-therapist, and there was nothing but anxious anticipation. 

I snuck a glance at Legolas, who seemed impassive, as usual, but he looked at me and I instantly saw in his eyes my own feelings mirrored back.

We went up so many spiraling stairs and lace lattices of wood I lost count, but suddenly Galadriel stopped and seemed to be exchanging news with a messenger who had passed her by. 

She turned and said, "I'm afraid our destination is going to have to wait. There is another party that has just arrived at the main gates and I dare say it would be prudent to welcome them." She beckoned for us to follow her and we did so, turning sharply left and descending from the city in the trees until we were in the clear glade at the center once more. 

Although I couldn't help but feel deflated after coming so close to seeing the sunstone, I still was eager to meet Faewyn and the rest of the party, which very likely included the Elvenking and his guard, as well. 

I smiled in spite of myself--my reaction all those years ago to be expecting the presence of Thranduil would probably include anxiety and extreme feelings of inferiority.

Instead, I quickly increased my pace and strode forward assuredly. 

I bowed in the presence of Thranduil, and even Legolas inclined his head respectfully. Galadriel merely put her hand over her heart in an expression of greeting. "King Thranduil, it pleases me to see you have arrived well. You see, we have asked you for your attendance on a matter that would interest you greatly." 

"Is that so?" he asked, coolly but not disrespectfully. He looked at me briefly, acknowledging me with a glance, and dismounted fluidly from his mount, a pure white horse the colour of the moon. His guard, two elves flanking him, did the same.

I saw Faewyn and Maldor behind the King's party, followed by the steadfast men of Gondor who still never faltered in their positions, though I was sure they were quite disoriented at such proceedings, much like I was when I first entered this world of the ethereal elves. 

I tried to catch Faewyn's eye but she did not see me, as she was quietly conversing with Maldor. 

"We traveled fast to meet here but I must inform you that I cannot stay long, a few days at most. There are still things within my borders which require immediate attention." Thranduil said authoritatively, snapping me back to attention. 

"Of course," Galadriel agreed smoothly. "Alderon," she continued, facing the messenger we had just seen, "Would you show the king's guard to their quarters? They no longer need stay."

Alderon bowed and motioned for the two elves in their glittering armour to follow him through the mallorn trees. 

Three other ellyn of unknown positions strode forward and wordlessly led the King's horses away to the stables. 

Meanwhile, Thranduil was deep in conversation with Galadriel and Celeborn, a few paces away from Legolas and I.

"Does he not greet you as a son outside of familiarity?" I murmured quietly, barely turning to glance at him.

I saw Legolas smile wryly in reply. "No, in any setting but when we are alone he is expected to address me only by my title or my rank, and I his." 


"It is the way things must be, and is common practice among nobility. I know not else."

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