As Still As Stone

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I shivered and turned over, trying to ignore the smell of fetid water that wreathed me. I desperately wanted to rid myself of the stench, and frankly was nauseated at the constant detection of the odor. 

I sat up and put my head between my legs, trying to breathe deeply and calmly to settle my stomach. Instead of the damp dirt below me, a welcome alternative, I again inhaled a myriad of revolting scents including rancid fish, stagnant pond water, and something that could only be described as slime. Gritting my teeth, I stood up and cast my face up towards the heavens, looking at the stars that twinkled above and breathing heavily. 

"What is it?" Legolas asked, from a few paces away. He was sitting, perfectly still, on a turned over log, and had been for several hours, his bow drawn across his lap. I couldn't imagine that it was a comfortable position, but it was reassuring that I could sleep in peace. 

Provided I could sleep to begin with. 

"I feel sick," I said flatly. "I cannot hope to sleep while smelling as if I died twice on the way here." 

Legolas smiled wryly. "Perhaps a bath?" 

"I wish," I scowled, wistfulness behind my bitter tone. 

"There is a stream not far from here deep enough to bathe in," Legolas suggested. 

"My Shower in Mordor: A Memoir." I snorted. 

"If you want, I can take you there, it really isn't far." he said, seriously, ignoring my sarcasm. 

I was going to find a good argument for the sake of arguing when my need to stop smelling horrific stopped me. 

"Please?" I said, relenting. 


The night was not frigid, but I knew the water would be.  A slow moving stream slipped along a mossy river bank. We had only walked for about 15 minutes in the dark, and although I couldn't have found my way anywhere in the lack of light, Legolas steadily and assuredly led the way. The night's obscurity was unsettling; no bird chirped and no leaves stirred. 

"Is it... safe?" I asked, my concerns speaking of their own accord. My whisper shattered the night like a shot. 

"Of course, Gianna, do you think I would ever even consider bringing you here if it wasn't? 

I smiled sheepishly. "Goheno nin (Forgive me)." 

"I will remain a few paces back and stand watch," he continued. "I won't be able to see you." 

I thought I detected a smile behind his words. I was happy it was dark enough so that he did not see the blush that crept over my cheeks. 

"Are you sure?" I teased lightly, more out of jest than of real concern. 

"You have my word," he said, seriously. "I have no desire to infringe upon any aspect of your privacy." 

"I know." 

"Do not concern yourself with looking at shadows," he added, aware of my slight apprehension. "I have shot a Nazgûl down in the dark and I will do it again." 

I laughed slightly. "Ever the warrior." 

"For those I protect, always," he replied. 

I was deeply moved by this small phrase in the middle of the night, and could find no suitable reply, so instead I just whispered, "I will be back," and crept down the small embankment to the river. 

The faint moonlight glimmered on the slow moving water and I did not feel fear in this land of shadows. Quickly, I tugged off my still-damp leggings and tunic, and gingerly put a toe in the water. It was freezing. 

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