Pizza and a Floating Bear

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The boy groggily opened his eyes to a dimly lit ceiling. As he looked around, he noticed the space he was in is rather small. He foundbhimself on top of a metal table, a blanket covering his lower body. He brought a hand to his head, freezing as he felt a bandage. Feeling himself a bit more, he found a smaller one on his cheek. Looking at himself, he saw that the rest of his body was fine, though his clothes looked a bit dirty. He brushed it off and decided to look around the room.

As mentioned before, the room isn't very spacious. The table at least had a few feet of space between the walls, one of which holding shelves with heads. Another wall held a tall lamp with a few boxes to the side, along with what looked like a square hole leading somewhere else. He turned to see a metal door which was open slightly, small sounds emanating from it. The boy showed slight hesitation before walking towards it slowly.

He looked through the small space of light and his eyes widened. In a large room with a stage stood five animals. A bunny, a fox, what looked like a chicken, and two bears. He noticed one of them seemed to be floating, which made him uncomfortable. Focusing his gaze on them, he could hear the animals talking- though he couldn't distinguish the voices.

"I still don't know what that crack was.", a deepened voice said, "Not to mention that boy came out of it."

"Will he be alright?", a worried female voice asked.

"Yeah... Even though he had a head injury, it seems like he'll pull through.", the first voice asked.

"Should we check on him in case he's awake?", a deep voice asked, though it wasn't as deep as the first. The boy gasped and stepped back when he saw the animals walk in his direction. He looked around, trying to find a place to hide. He settled on the boxes, quickly hiding behind the large pile as the door opened with a creak. One by one, they filed in, gaining shocked expressions as they saw the empty table.

"Where is he?", the lightly deep voice asked, clearly coming from the brown bear.

"The only place he could be in other than here would be the basement.", the deeper voice asked, coming from the floating bear.

The boy slightly maneuvered himself close to the exit, trying not to draw attention. Just as he got close enough, he accidentally knocked over one of the boxes, causing it to fall to the floor with a thud. Instantaneously, the animals' gazes locked onto the boy, who froze beside the door. The air grew tense as they just stared at each other, the boy staring mostly out of fear while the animals were surprised. This only lasted a few seconds, as he promptly dashed out the door.

Ignoring the calls to stop, he ran to the center of the large room he looked around. The stage was to his left, and the room extended to the right, ending with two small doorways. He ran into one and found it to be a hall of some sort. He eventually reached a dead end, but saw another doorway that led to a small office. Looking around, he saw a desk with an old looking fan and a hammer. Beside the doorways on each side were two buttons, labeled "lights" and "doors" respectively. He curiously pressed one of them and a metal door slid down into place.

Just then, he heard footsteps coming towards the other doorway. He quickly ran over and pressed the button, sealing the second entrance as well. He panted as he stood there, not expecting the adrenaline rush. Loud bangs filled the room as he backed away slowly, going towards the other door in hopes of making an escape. He froze when his back hit something furry. The boy turned his head, seeing the floating bear again! He noticed that his eyes were empty sockets with small white dots, which only added to the eerie aura. He's boxed in now, cornered with no way out...

He felt around the desk, hoping to findl something to defend himself with. His hand soon made contact with the hammer, instantly grabbing it and chucking it! Unfortunately it did little damage, as when it hit the bear in the torso, it merely clanged before falling to the floor. The boy's eyes widened again, possibly even wider than before! The hammer clanged against the bear, as if he were metal. Was he even real?! His thoughts were swarming as he stepped back, trembling as he knew he couldn't get away now. He closed his eyes, just wanting this insane dream to end already!

Circuitry of Dimensions: ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora