Descent Pt.1

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     The pizzeria is very different during the day, that's obvious. What could only be seen firsthand is how cheerful and happy the place can be! Kids are squealing and cheering as Freddy and the band play their songs. Parents sat at the tables, some with their children eating pizza. The place seems so full of life, vibrant and free. A figure walked through the double doors and scanned around, stopping when he saw the metal door.

    The mystery man slowly made his way through the tables, making sure not to attract attention. Some workers were around, mostly servers and a few guards. He made it to the door when he felt eyes on his back. Looking around, he could see the robots' eyes glance at him without turning their heads. He smirked, knowing he was close now. Quickly going in, he looked around the small room, spotting the hatch to the side. Stepping through, he saw the staircase and smiled again. He also saw a hammer nearby.



     A loud noise startled the two, causing them to drop their cards. Goldie and S were in the middle of a small game of go-fish, seeing as there wasn't much for them to do. The sound permeated the room again, making the bear's ears flatten with worry. Slowly, he got up and stepped close to the staircase, keeping himself away from the opening as not to be seen. His right ear twitched before he quickly picked up the cards and handed them to S, who put them in his jacket.

"Someone's coming! You need to hide.", he whispered quickly, making the boy look around. To his dismay, there wasn't anything to help keep him hidden. Goldie noticed this and thought for a moment before getting an idea- a rather strange and very weird idea.

"Hide in my suit.", he said as he turned around and a zipper popped itself up from his fur. It went down a little ways, making a small hole that revealed the bear's hollow interior. S' eyes widened as he simply stood there, processing what Goldie had suggested. He already knew he was hollow, but to hide himself literally inside him? He only had these thoughts for a few seconds before footsteps made their way down.

"Hurry!", Goldie whispered as the boy finally brushed his thoughts aside and reluctantly climbed through the hole. It was tight once the zipper shut and hid itself again. S had to curl himself into a ball so he could fit, not being able to see anything. He felt movement as the bear slumped against the wall, lying limp. He heard the footsteps close in, signaling that someone's in the room. The footsteps worked their way around before stopping in front of Goldie.

"I know you're there.", a voice said, making the boy's heart race.

"I'm not gonna rat you out, so don't worry about that. However, I have a proposition for you..."

     It was a pity S couldn't see who it was, so he could only hear the person's voice. It was male, by the sound, and it seemed similar to his own voice. The main difference was that the unknown male's voice was malevolent, almost evil and spiteful. There was no indication if the bear could hear or see what was going on. If he did, he'd be as worried as S was. In the end, the boy stayed silent.

"You want to know who you are, and I can help you...", the male said, "All you have to do is come with me, and in return, I'll take what you have that belongs to me."

This made him confused. What did he have that this guy wanted? Could it be the amulet? It was the only strange thing that was with him when he ended up in the pizzeria, and even so he didn't know a thing about it! Then there was the chance of gaining his memories. He'd be able to know who he is, and he'd be able to find his place. The downside was that he'd have to leave the robots. He liked being with them, and he grew to enjoy their company. Would he really throw it all away because a stranger says he can help?

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