Toys and a Lion

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S woke up groggily, a little uncomfortable with sleeping against a wall. As much as he hated it, the basement was the only place he could sleep- lest he get caught by the day workers. Goldie said it may be a while until he regains his memories, which was bittersweet. As unnerving as it was for him to have no memory of himself, it at least gave him comfort that the robots were there to help, especially Goldie. There was just something about him that made the boy trust him the most, despite the mishaps when S first woke up.

He looked around, finding that the bear was gone. This probably meant he was upstairs talking with the others. Getting up slowly, he stretched and looked around once more, suddenly freezing. What looked like the shadow of a man stood in one of the corners. The boy shook his head before looking again, this time seeing nothing. He sighed, already becoming uneasy and nervous. Maybe his jitteriness from the other night got to him, or was it something else? He shook these thoughts out of his head and made his way to the stairs.


The night went rather slow, boredom filling the air. Chica and Bonnie were playing a two-player game while Foxy stayed at his stage. S fiddled with his amulet, inspecting it more closely now. Engraved onto it was a small circle from the outer rim. Within that was a pentagram, along with a much smaller circle in the center. As he traced his fingers across the lines, he couldn't help but think about how it glowed when he woke up the first time. The pain in his head... It was unbearable, there wasn't exactly a way to describe it. It felt like his head was being torn at the seams, and that firsthand experience made him fear what the amulet could do.


A sound brought him back to reality. It sounded like a phone ringing, and it was close. He quickly found the source to be a white wall-mount phone near the main stage. The others perked up at the sound, as if it was considered an anomaly. The phone kept ringing for a few seconds before Goldie popped up and answered it. The call seemed important, evident by the bear's quick change of tone from friendly to intrigued. All the while, the others just watched, too curious to really do much else. Soon enough, Goldie hanged the phone up and looked at the others.

"Something's happening at the other location.", he said, making S raise an eyebrow.

"What is it?", Freddy asked.

"I don't know. All Puppet said was that it was something insane."

"What do you mean by 'other location'?", the boy finally chimed in, mostly out of curiosity.

"There's more than one of these pizzerias.", Goldie answered,
"One of them we keep in touch with"

"And we're gonna go, right?", Bonnie asked.

"Of course."

With that, everyone gathered around Goldie and joined hands. S felt nervous, mostly because of the prospect of more robots and something possibly wrong at the other location. A small bit of it was from the idea of being teleported. He already knew the bear could teleport given what he saw so far. It only lasted a second, but felt like more. One minute they were standing in the pizzeria, the next it felt as if the entire world shifted beneath them. He barely had a chance to comprehend it before everything went still again. He stumbleojd a bit, uneased by the sudden jump. The others seemed the same way, though Goldie seemed like the most affected. This was evident by the way he fell to his knees and panted.

While the robots were situating themselves, S got a look around where they ended up. It seemed to be a rather large office, a small light high above them. In front of them was a large hallway with small televisions piled up on each side. Also on the sides of the room were two square shafts, each having wires hanging above them. Behind them was a large desk with a few papers scattered around. A small ambience sounded through the room, making the boy shudder. He looked over to see the others were alright, though Goldie still looked tired.

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