Descent Pt.2

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    Once he saw the robots teleport away with S, the mysterious male snuck into the office to look for something. After his previously failed attempt to lure the boy to his side, he decided to try a different tactic. He searched through the drawers of the desk, trying to find something that could help curb S' trust with the robots. Even though their trust was still holding, it only needed one more push to sever the bond. His hands felt around idly before stopping at a VHS tape.

"Parts and Service Room, Mike Schmidt"...the date is scratched out, he thought as he read the title.


    The eleven robots examined the creature in shock. As far as they knew, nothing remotely similar to this ever happened! What shocked them  the most was what the creature wanted, which was obviously S. It may have something to do with his memories, or even with the mysterious man that  visited the pizzeria that morning. Nevertheless, they all stayed silent, causing the creature to growl lowly.

"͏I̢͞ ̴̧̕s͢͜ą͞íd̴͢҉ ͟W̵H̵E͟ŔE̸̢!̶̵̕?"̀, it screeched out, "̕͝Y͜͝ǫ̸u͠ ̧͘wi̶̵͠l҉͝l͢ t͠͏ell̛̀ ͜m҉̶e͘..͏.̧"̀

They were all silent until Freddy spoke up, "We don't know who you're talking about."

    This was only met with a screech and lunge from the creature, grabbing the bear's arm and throwing him to the wall with a thud. Once this  happened, everything turned to chaos! The other robots instantly converged upon it, trying to hold it down but to no avail. One by one, each of them were thrown back with great force. The only ones still standing were Goldie and Puppet. The creature growled again before charging at the two.

    Goldie hovered from the floor and charged as well, landing a punch. The beast stumbled back before taking a guitar to the face, courtesy of the flimsy robot. It growled once more and extended it's claws, charging at the two. Above them, a figure watched from the ceiling, scurrying out to the  hallway.


    S rested his head against Larry's arm, growing more relaxed with each second of silence. After he explained what happened, the lion showed  sympathy for him, since they were both in the same boat. This gave them a special bond, almost that of brothers. The boy couldn't find a way to explain it no matter how hard he tried. It just..felt right being with Larry- as if all his worries would just wither away like ashes.

    These thoughts were broken by the metal door creaking open. From the top of it, something made it's way inside and was soon in the flickering light. It had the head of a fox, its fur white and having the same rosey cheeks as the rest of the Toys. One of its eyes were yellow while the other only had a white dot, obviously broken. The rest of it's body was just wires and metal, the only other parts like its head were a hand and a pink bowtie around its neck. It opened its mouth,uttering what  sounded like static.

"Uhh...", S said, unsure of what to say.

"That's Mangle.", Larry said, getting the boy's attention.

"Well...what did it say?", he asked, making the broken robot utter more static, making the lion's ears twitch slightly.

"It said the others are in trouble! They're in the main room."

    S shot up quickly,turning towards the door but was stopped by a paw grabbing his arm. He looked back at Larry, who had a worried expression. Both of them knew it was dangerous, and something bad might happen. They acknowledged that, but they also knew they couldn't just sit by and leave the others to it! Something resonated between them at that  moment, like they were both on the same wavelength and it was getting stronger. They both nodded and Larry stood up as well, being a few inches taller than S.

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