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    S was eventually able to calm down, but seemed much more scared than before. He continuously shook and his eyes darted at the slightest sound, as if something were after him. Larry tried his best to assure the boy that it was ok but it was increasingly difficult. He contemplated calling Goldie and the others, but was met with frantic pleas from S not to bring them. After asking why, the lion found out about his nightmare, and everything became much clearer.

    He was afraid of them, but this time it was much worse. The boy told him about the visitor the night that creature came, and only now did that conversation light up in his mind. Last time he was simply shaken up and apprehensive, but this time it was more than that- he was outright terrified. Larry already knew that the others would come anyway, as they were the ones who originally found S. The problem with that was how the boy would react, and given his nightmare, it could only end in such a way.


    He sat behind the desk as the clock was nearing midnight. Any minute now, the five would appear out of thin air and ready to see S. He was hesitant, not knowing how they'd react to what he was going to tell them. It was obvious they cared about him a lot, and the same could be seen vice-versa. Now it could be scarred because of what his friend experienced. He didn't want them to be angry, but it seemed almost inevitable at this point! His ears folded slightly as he kept pondering, though it was short-lived as the other five animatronics teleported in front of the desk.

"Is he alright?", Goldie immediately asked when he saw the lion waiting for them.

"Well, yes but...", he hesitated again, not knowing how to explain.


The feline sighed, "He's awake, but he's really scared. He woke up screaming and when I asked him what was wrong, he broke down crying! Even after I calmed him down, he was on edge. He said he had a nightmare about you were chasing him and the last thing he saw was Freddy grabbing his neck and..."

    He trailed off, knowing he said enough. So many things were piling up and it was slowly turning into a spiraling storm. When he looked at them, they all looked shocked- Freddy especially. The bear couldn't believe that the boy would dream of him doing something like that, let alone the others chasing him. He wanted to see him, he wanted to say everything was alright, but it was close to impossible now. Going by what Larry said, just the sight of them would set him off.

"He's in the basement.", the lion said, "He's at least comfortable around me and somewhat around the Toys."

"Maybe we could try and talk to him.", Bonnie suggested, "I mean, he could listen,right?"

"I really don't know..."


    S sat in silence, alone in the basement with nothing but his own thoughts. He couldn't shake the nightmare out of his mind, the images still flickered. He kept his gaze to the wall, hoping it would break his thoughts away from his fears. Even when Larry tried to help him, it still lingered. He wanted it to stop, something..anything!

    He jumped when he heard the door open, the sound breaking his daze. He looked up to see Larry walking down the stairs, a worried expression on his face. Knowing the events that happened prior to this, it could only mean something bad. The boy's eyebrows furrowed as he quickly became concerned for his friend. The lion was quick to notice this once he was at the bottom of the stairwell. He fidgeted a bit before finally speaking.

"The others are here."

    The boy's breath hitched and his heart raced. He told the lion not to tell them! Looking back, however, they would've come either way, as they were the ones who originally found him. He tried maintaining his composure, but couldn't. He shook as he tried to calm himself down, everything swirling around and confusing him. It all stopped when Larry doubled over and embraced him, rubbing his back in an effort to sedate him. It seemed to work, as the boy's breathing steadied and he stopped shaking.

Circuitry of Dimensions: Rحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن