Counseling with a Fox?

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About a week passed since S met the toys and Larry. He actually grew more comfortable around the robots, so much that he could actually talk without stuttering. He particularly grew closer to Goldie and Larry. While the boy didn't know him long, he felt a connection with the lion- as if they knew each other for a long time. With Goldie, S felt like he could trust the bear more than the others. It may have only been because of their interaction when he woke up, but he saw the bear as a guardian of sorts. Someone he could turn to in his time of need.

However, things didn't seem to get better after that. The robots noticed that S grew secluded as the days drew on. He still came out of the basement and spent time with them, but his demeanor seemed to grow depressed. It was obvious his patience on regaining his memory was running thin. All through his time in the pizzeria, the boy had little to go on- no flashbacks, hidden memories, or anything relating to his past. The only thing he had was the mysterious amulet- which did nothing ever since causing him to knock himself out.

Despite the robot's efforts, they couldn't ease his sorrows.



I jumped awake, sweating and panting. Another nightmare. I've had them for two days now, and already they're bugging me. I don't know what time it was, but by the sounds above me and Goldie slumped a little ways away, it is close to closing time. When I looked over him, his sockets were empty, signaling he was asleep- or so I thought. That's one of the mysteries behind him: you can't really tell what he's feeling unless you hear his tone of voice. Well, that and his ears, but mostly his tone.

I couldn't sleep now, as the nightmare shook me too much. I slowly got up, avoiding any noise so as not to wake the bear, and slowly made my way upstairs. Eventually I made it to the side room, where the small square connected to the Parts and Service room. I crawled through and peeked out the door, seeing some workers stacking a few chairs before walking over to the side and cleaning a large mess on the floor. I quickly ran past the stage and to the side of it, where the back area was.

Once I was there, I snuck through the door to the backstage room. It was sort of empty, not much being there except a few boxes and stuff. I looked around and saw a handle hanging from the ceiling. I pulled it and a ladder came down, gently thudding against the floor. I found out about it from Freddy when he showed me around the pizzeria, saying the ladder led to the roof. Just because I couldn't go out with my amnesia didn't mean I couldn't relax a little. The others didn't know I go up there, so it was my sort of "secret place".

Climbing the ladder, I made my way up the metal staircase and to a door. Opening it, I sighed contently as I felt fresh air blow around me. I already felt relaxed just being in the doorway, as it was just so calming. I walked towards the ledge, stopping slightly and sitting down. I knew I couldn't stay for long, as once the workers left, the robots would start moving around and notice my disappearance. So I sat there, looking at the setting sun framing tall buildings with small lights on them. I closed my eyes, unknowingly spacing out. The only thing on my mind was calmness, the smooth and comforting fabric that is nightfall. I wanted it to envelop me and just hold me keep me safe in it's clutches and make me believe everything was alright.


I tensed when I heard that, knowing someone had to have shut the door. The question was who? I didn't want to look, and I already had an idea of who it might be. However, to my surprise, I saw Foxy. I would've expected Goldie, or even Freddy, but not Foxy. Chica and Bonnie were 'maybes', since I didn't interact with them much. With Foxy, though, he seemed content with staying in Pirate's Cove, just secluding himself from others. He seemed like the "odd one out"- excluding Goldie. Thinking about it more, he seemed like the most unsocial one out of them all! Goldie did step out from time to time, but Foxy spent more time away from the others than him.

"How'd you know I was here?", I asked since it was basically the biggest question I had at the moment.

The fox chuckled slightly, "Ye thought ye were slick, but I heard th' ladder comin' down."

It took me a few seconds to process his words, since he was programmed to talk like a pirate. When I got the gist of it, I brought my hand to my forehead rather hard. Of course it was the stupid ladder! To be honest, I would've expected either Bonnie or Freddy to catch me up here, since they're animals with good hearing. I didn't know the exact comparison, but I assumed the bear was the better of the two. Thinking back, I may have underestimated the fox quite a bit. I just sighed and turned my attention to the now starry sky, trying to relax again knowing the vulpine wasn't gonna do anything- at least I hoped. As much as I didn't want to admit, I still felt slightly uncomfortable around them. I brushed that out and closed my eyes, trying to just space out again.

You're nothing.

I shuddered at that. It was from my nightmare, a demonic voice whispering into my ear. It almost sounded like my own voice, but distorted and malevolent. I didn't want to hear it anymore, I just want to remember who I am so nothing crazy happens to me! Truth be told, it scared me. Even if remembering who I am would be beneficial to me, I was scared of finding out my identity. Am I someone evil? Do I kill? Did I do something that caused me to end up the way I did when I first woke up?There are so many questions I have no answers to, and the more I think about them the more they scare me! I tensed up again when I felt a paw on my shoulder.

"Ye alright?", Foxy's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah.", I replied quickly, "Just thinking about..stuff."

The fox didn't buy it, "Ye sure? Ye've been depressed lately..."

I sighed. Obviously, he wasn't gonna go until he knew what was wrong. I would've at least told Goldie, but I didn't want him worrying about me. I felt that way about the others too. If something bad happened to them because of me, I wouldn't forgive myself. I decided to just tell Foxy about it all. I mostly told him about my fear of something happening to them and it being my fault, along with my disappointment of not knowing anything about myself. I kept the nightmares to myself, so as not to put too much stress on them.

When I was done, Foxy was looking at me with his ears slightly folded back.

"Well, it has been over a week, so I can't blame ye for bein' that way...", he said quietly, "But why'd ye think somethin' bad would happen wit' ye bein' here?"

I came close to breaking at that, "I... I just don't know who I am. What if I did something bad? Or I hurt someone? I could be a thief or worse! There's so many questions that need answers and I just-"

I stopped when I felt furry arms around me. I tensed again, not really expecting this. The fox put his head on my shoulder and nuzzled me, making me feel awkward. I never really had interactions like this since waking up in the pizzeria, so this was a surprise. It just felt so..weird. There wasn't really a way to describe it, but part of me found it comforting.

"Ye don't need to think like that.", he whispered, "If somethin' does happen, we'll protect ye..."

I don't know why, but something made me believe him. It just made me think he knew what he was saying, as if I knew it from experience. True, we did hang out from time to time, but it wasn't as if I completely knew how they acted. Regardless, I felt like I could trust his words. I relaxed in his embrace, accepting it and letting the stress wash away.



How touching. The fox is actually having a moment with him. I'd gush at it if I actually have feelings for that sort of thing. Oh well, I have my own plans to attend to anyway. I teleported back to the warehouse, my creation kept under a tarp. It wasn't quite finished yet, but soon it will be. Once it is, the boy and the lion will be mine. The latter will be easy, but the boy will take more...

Soon... I'll have him, and he will be all mine.

Circuitry of Dimensions: ROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz