Meeting the Others

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As they talked, the boy seemed to relax more around Goldie. Not so much that he completely trusted the bear, but enough that he could at least speak to him. Goldie said that he, along with the other animals, are actually robots with advanced programming. This explained why the hammer clanged against him when the boy threw it. It would also give reason to why they're there in the first place! As for where they are, the bear said they're in a pizza place for kids, which would explain the sounds he heard earlier.

When asked about his eyes and how he floated, Goldie seemed to show hesitation before simply saying he was "different from the others". The boy could tell this was personal territory, as until now the bear seemed nice and calm. He assumed the answer would also go with how Goldie seemed to appear almost randomly. As unsatisfying as the answer was, he considered it even since he gave one of the same type.


It was now 10 at night and the workers had just finished cleaning up. The bear, bunny, and chicken were on the stage, idle and unmoving. The mindless ticking of a clock above the double doors dominated the room, ridding it of any silence. It wasn't until the main lights turned off and the last of the workers left that life came to the room. The bear was the first to move, flexing his joints slightly with a few small squeaks emanating from them.

"Ah...", he said with a slight groan, "Finally closing time."

The other two started moving as well, starting off slow but growing more fluent. The fox peeked out from the curtain, swiveling its head around a little before stepping down from the small stage it was on. A low chime sounded off, echoing through the building. The four looked at each other, as if silently conversing about something. Needless to say, they were concerned about the boy. They didn't expect him to run away from them and knock himself out, so it was a worry that his head injury may have gotten worse. Their thoughts were broken by the side door opening and Goldie stepping out.

"Is he okay?", the chicken asked in a worried tone.

"He's alright...", the gold bear replied, making the others sigh in relief, "But he doesn't seem to remember anything before waking up here. He can't even remember his name."

"Ye think it might be because o' his head?", the fox asked in an accented voice.

"It's a possibility, but it could also be whatever caused him to fall out of the crack."

This made the atmosphere turn mysterious. Even though the boy was okay, he still doesn't have any memory of who he is or how he ended up in the restaurant. Not only that, but there was still the mystery of how he fell through the crack in the first place! There were multiple questions sprouting up from something seemingly small, and the animals had little to go on. For now, they'd have to work with what they had.

"Is he awake?", the bunny asked.

"Yeah, I had him wait in the maintenance room. He's very shy, but I at least got him relaxed around me."

That said, Goldie went over to the side door again and walked through, leaving it cracked slightly. Small whispers could be heard, some being from the gold bear and others from an unknown voice. The second voice sounded timid and fearful, seemingly lacking in confidence. After a time, Goldie walked out with the boy timidly following. He was still wearing the same clothes, bandages included. Once he saw that the robots were looking at him, he cowered close to the golden bear. The main three simultaneously 'aww'd at the sight, while the fox simply folded his ears slightly while tilting his head.

"It's ok.", Goldie said gently with a paw on the boy's shoulder. He hesitantly stepped forward again and shifted his gaze slightly. Things were awkwardly silent until the bear spoke up.

"Hello.", he said, making the boy look at him, "I'm Freddy, and these are my friends: Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy.", he gestured to the rabbit, chicken, and fox respectively.

"H-hi.", the boy stuttered out, more out of politeness than anything else.

"Nice to meetcha!", Bonnie said cheerfully.

"Shouldn't we give 'im a name?", Foxy asked,"It'll get annoyin' callin' im "the lad" alot."

"I guess you're right.", Goldie said, "So what should his name be?"

Silence filled the room as they all thought for a moment until Chica piped up, "How about S?"

"S?", the others tilted their heads to the side, even the boy.

"Yeah, for shy! He seems really shy, so I thought S would work."

"Well...", Goldie said,looking at the boy, "What do you think?"

It took all of his mental willpower not to cringe at the name. It couldn't even be a name in the first place- it's a letter! What kind of person has a letter for a name!? Then again, it would give him some specificity and not be referred to as "the boy" all the time. Plus, "Goldie" and "Foxy" are strange names too, so he couldn't blame them. That, and he didn't want to spend hours on end just thinking up a name for himself. With that in mind, he reluctantly nodded.

"Woohoo! S it is!", Chica cheered.

He almost felt like facepalming.

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