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    I saw nothing but darkness. I didn't know what happened, everything was all fuzzy. The least I remembered was seeing Larry and then a flash of light. I couldn't see anything else other than a door a little ways from me. With no other options, I went to it and pulled it open. To my surprise, I was in the office of the pizzeria- the first one. I strode down the dark hall to the main area, seeing the others gathered at the stage for some reason. I called out to them, but they didn't seem to notice.

"Guys?", I asked as I walked towards them nervously. Something didn't feel right about this, they were acting strange. Usually, they'd interact with me a lot and we'd do stuff together. Here, it was like I was a ghost to them. It hurt me, mostly  because they were the ones I met when I first woke up. I stepped closer and stopped when their bodies twitched. All their heads rotated to face me, and what I saw made me freeze in place. Their eyes were red, completely filled with it!

    I instantly ran, not wanting to look back. This wasn't right, something was wrong! I ran back to the office and closed both the doors, looking at the tablet that controlled the cameras. They were still at the stage and looking right at me through the video feed. It scared me, but I knew this wasn't them. They were kind and loving, they'd never act this way- right? I put the tablet down and saw Goldie staring at me with his jaw open.

Why did I forget he could teleport!?

    I opened the left door and dashed out, hearing him roar as I made it out the hallway. I regretted that because now the others were staring at me! I made a break for the maintenance room, but Foxy cut me off, making me try and get to the door. Unfortunately, Bonnie decided to block me from  there, so I ran past the stage where Freddy and Chica still stood and ran into the kitchen. I instantly closed the door and looked around for something to defend myself with.

    There wasn't anything except for knives and cooking stuff. Basing that off my first time trying to harm them, those wouldn't do the job. I looked by one of the top cabinets and I saw an axe in a case, opening it and taking it out. I really didn't want to do this, but if I'm gonna survive this is what has to be done. I heard the door break open and saw Freddy standing there, staring at me with those eyes...

"S-stay back!", I yelled, raising the axe, "I'm warning you."

    He either didn't give anything or thought I was bluffing, because he just advanced on me without any hesitation! I shook as I kept the axe  raised, ready to do what had to be done. He was almost right in front of me when I finally swung it down, but when I did he grabbed the handle. I couldn't hold back anymore, my eyes teared up. He was going to kill me, I'm gonna die by his hands. His eyes were cold, nothing but death in them- not even a hint of remorse. I shut my eyes as tears flowed out, ready to just let him do it already. I felt a cold hand clamp itself around my neck as the bear let out a loud screech.

After that, everything just went hazy...


3rd Person POV

    The boy shook erratically as he tossed and turned, sweat cascading down his face. Suddenly his eyes shot open and he screamed loudly, the sound reverberating throughout the room he was in. He panted as he shook and looked around, his senses slowly coming back to him for a few seconds. He could barely see anything due to what little light there was, an outline of what looked like side stairs in front of him. A few scattered crates and metal parts were around him as well, a small blanket draped over his body.

    S jumped slightly when he heard a slam above him, followed by scattered footsteps coming towards the stairs. Soon enough, a door opened at the top of them, making light flow down the  stairway. Surprisingly, Larry and the Toys ran down. It was a bit unexpected, but it seemed to make sense. He could remember seeing the back  door of the Parts and Service room which led somewhere else. Maybe this room is where that door led. His pondering was broken by a paw touching his shoulder, making him flinch.

"'s just me.", the lion said gently, "Are you alright? We heard screaming."

    Almost instantly, everything flooded back to his mind. The creature, the mysterious man, the nightmare. It all hit him full force like an oncoming car, and the backlash was just as bad. He instantly dissolved into a shuddering mess, wrapping his arms around himself as tears fell from his eyes. The boy couldn't take it- everything he knew went horribly wrong in the course of one night. He didn't know what to believe anymore, the nightmare still vivid within his mind.

    Leon didn't know what his friend saw, but it was obvious it terrified him. He mostly seemed sad and sometimes depressed when they saw each other, but now it was different. Now S was downright traumatized, completely out of his mind. The lion couldn't bare to see his friend in such a state, it worried him immensely. He embraced the boy and just held him close, letting him sob into his shoulder.



    I couldn't help but gape as the tape ended. I knew something was up with them, but to do something like that? It was insane! On the bright side, though, I finally have the piece I need to set him over the edge. Once he sees this tape, he won't want to be with them anymore, and my plan will come into fruition!

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