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    After Goldie got the required items, the animatronics got ready for their plan to stop Mal. Even though they had no idea what was beyond the glowing door, they were determined to save S and Larry. Foxy had the sword, the two bunnies had their respective guitars, and the chickens wielded frying pans- as did Freddy and his counterpart. Goldie and Puppet decided to stick with their own abilities as did Mangle, who had sharp teeth and good climbing. Surprisingly, the door still stayed in its spot the whole time!

"Alright, is everyone ready?", the thin robot asked, getting nods all around. With that, he slowly opened the door, its light filling the mostly dark room. One by one, they walked into the gaping maw of light, the drive of saving their friends urging them on. It didn't matter what they faced or what would happen. The only thing that did was that they'd fight for the ones they cared about!


    Mal sighed as he pulled the metal cuff on, his mind buzzing from what happened recently. It could've gone so smoothly, his plan could've gone without any hitch, but that bear just had to try and win him over! It frustrated him to no end, seeing that he was forced to knock both S and Larry out. That didn't matter at the moment, for now the pieces were finally in place. His goal was at hand...

    He stepped back and smiled triumphantly at his handiwork. The two targets were strapped down in metal chairs, clamps around their arms and legs. On top of their heads were helmets with wires sticking out. The wires extended behind them to a large rectangular structure, a clear sphere on top of it. From there, a final wire extended outwards to the platform where he now stood, two white rods extended upward from the podium in front of him.

All he had to do was press the button..then he could leave this retched place.

To think that it would be easy..., he thought with a small growl, If only those stupid robots hadn't gotten in the way!

    He found himself unprepared for a swift blow to the face, knocking him off the platform and tumbling to the ground. He got up and growled at the sight before him, the golden bear was hovering with a red guitar in his hands. He threw it over to the side where the purple rabbit caught it. All of them were there- excluding Puppet but he didn't care. They dared to stop him? He chuckled quietly, slowly escalating into laughter. He looked to the hovering bear as amusement crossed his features.

"You really think you can defeat ME?!", the human asked with an insane grin, "Fine then, LETS GO!"

   With that, he raised his hand high, causing a bolt of lightning to fly through the roof. The room noticeably got darker as the bolt disappeared, a feeling of dread enveloping them all. Eight figures started to form behind Mal, the grin upon his features widening. The animatronics gained shocked expressions as the figures became came into view. They were revealed to be copies of themselves, with the exception of Goldie. The difference was that the copies were darkened in color and had white eyes. Immediately, they charged at their respective counterparts, causing a massive clash between the two groups! Goldie tried to help, but was kept back by a barrier.

"You're not going anywhere.", the human behind him sneered, "Your fight is with me!"


Puppet POV

    I was on the railing above the others, watching them fight. To be honest, it was quite amusing to see the others fighting dark clones of themselves. It was like seeing them fight with a mirror for no apparent reason. Putting that aside, I had to get S and Larry out of those clamps. With Goldie fighting Mal, I should be able to do it. I slowly made my way over to the big machine they were hooked up to and floated down.

At least they're not connected by wires or anything, I thought as I examined them both. The helmets were easy enough, but the clamps would take time to get off. I decided to get the boy first since he was pretty much defenseless- putting aside what happened a few nights ago. I gently pulled on the ones around his legs, trying to be discreet. It actually proved effective, the same was done with his arms. Once that was done, I looked back.

    The others were still going at it, but I was more focused on Goldie and Mal. The human somehow got an axe and was continuously swinging at the bear. Goldie was able to push him back, but it doesn't seem like it'll let up anytime soon. With the others, it seemed like they were evenly matched. Foxy was in a sword battle, the bunnies seemed to be hitting their respective clones with their guitars- the same with the chickens and their pans. Both Freddies were in fistfights and Mangle..I don't really know. It's just snapping at its clone on the ground, and it seemed like they were somehow tangled up. I had to question whether bringing Mangle was a good idea, but I shook it off and tried to wake S up.

"Come on..wake up!", I whisper-yelled. It took a few shakes to get him up, but when he did he was instantly wide awake.

"Where are we?"

"In a building.", I said plainly, "Goldie's fighting Mal and the others are preoccupied. Now help me get Larry out of the chair."

    With that said, we got to work on freeing the lion. It was harder in this case because his seemed to be tighter, which was understandable given that he was metal. Once we got him free we tried waking him up, which was much harder than it seemed. It took a good whack in the face to get him up, but unfortunately it was too late. When we were ready to go, something whizzed past us and caused a small explosion near the machine.

"Don't think I'm done with you just yet!"

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