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    That is what Goldie felt as he saw the two humans join hands with a door glowing behind them. He didn't have to look to know the other four felt the same. They never thought S would find out about the past- let alone Larry! However, that guy..Mal, as he called himself. He completely shattered what little faith in them the boy had! Even the lion didn't know who to trust, and it hurt them even more.

"Right then.", Mal said as he walked to the door, "We might as well take our leave."

    With that, he opened it, revealing a white light beyond it. He glanced at the boy before walking through, the entrance still ajar and waiting. S showed hesitation before slowly walking towards it, the robots simply watching with wide eyes. Was he really going to do this- after everything they've done together? Was he so torn by what Mal showed him that he'd just leave them in a heartbeat? Larry didn't move, his ears flat and his eyes locked onto the boy. He was a few steps away from the door when Goldie spoke up.


    He stopped, silence taking over. The boy looked to the golden bear, his eyes holding a mix of sadness, frustration, and fear. Goldie knew there was a small chance he would talk him out of his choice, but he was willing to take that chance. His mind racked as he tried to find his words, his ghostly heart racing. If he took too long, he'd just go without another word. Finally, he spoke.

"S, I'm sorry. What happened on that tape is something none of us wanted to happen. I know you probably think I'm lying, but it's true! We didn't want to kill Mike, but something else did..something terrible. If we could take it back, we would- but it's done and over. We're not like that anymore- it has been like that for a while now. That doesn't mean everything we did together was meaningless..we care about you, and we don't want anything bad to happen."

    The boy didn't say anything, his eyes glued to the ground as he processed Goldie's words. Even with his voice so deep, he could tell that they were sincere. He wanted to believe them, he truly did. However, Mal said that he could give him his memories, so would abandoning them be worth it? Would remembering his past be beneficial at the cost of his friends? He growled to himself as his mind was torn between his old life and what could be called a life that he had now.

Why are you torn? You know what the right answer is!

I don't want to abandon them...

WHAT?! Even after what I showed you, you still care for them?

They're my friends!, he rebutted, They care about me...



    S gasped, a sharp pain struck his head. Time slowed down, everything seemed to freeze. He could see the others looking shocked as his body felt heavy, his view shifting to the ground as it got closer. He heard his name being called, but he couldn't register it. Everything was a blur as his senses disappeared. The last thing he heard was a threatening growl before his mind went blank.

"AAAAGGGGHHH!", Larry yelled in rage as he charged towards the tall male.bHow dare he hurt his friend! Forget what he said, if he was going to get S then he was going to go through him! The human didn't even flinch as he swiftly dodged the punch, grabbing the metal feline's arm and swinging him to the side before delivering a hard kick the back. His body thudded against the wall, unmoving as Mal raised a glowing hand.

    The lion's body was encased in a crimson glow as it floated off the ground. The others could only watch as the same was done with S, and the two were sent through the illuminating door as the human walked towards it. He stopped, looking back to the ten robots in the room with lidded eyes. They simply stood there, looking back with hateful glares- especially the gold bear.

"If I were you...", he growled at them, "I'd stay out of the way."

    With that, he walked through the door. The entrance slowly moving back towards the frame as they still stood frozen. What could they do now? It was obvious that Mal had powers far beyond what they could comprehend, even more so than Goldie and Puppet. Just as the door was about to close, a black hand grabbed it and held it there.

"We're not just gonna sit here and watch this happen,right?", the doll asked.

"What can we do?", Goldie asked sadly, "He's more powerful than either of us..."

    Puppet didn't show much of an expression,not that he could with the permanent smile on his face. He knew the bear was right, as not even he was capable of what he witnessed Mal do. Goldie could at least levitate to an extent, and Puppet could go into the minds of others. However, he didn't want to sit back and let Larry and S suffer whatever fate the human had in mind for them! He knew the others were the same way,they just felt doubtful of how they could stop it.

"The way I see it we have two choices here:", he said plainly, "We either let him take them and do whatever he wants with them- most likely kill them, or we could go and try to stop him. I know you all feel the same way, and I for one am not going to let Mal get what he desires! Now are you with me or not?"

    The others stood frozen for a second. It wasn't like Puppet to be motivational, let alone angry. The most he did was float around the pizzeria talking about things or staying in his box. Putting that aside, he was right. They wanted to stop Mal, they just didn't know what they could do. After a moment, they all nodded determinedly.

"Good. Goldie, get a hammer, Toy Bonnie's guitar, a sword, and a few frying pans."


A.N: Yeah...Puppet being motivational? What?! To be honest, it was a random thought I had and I decided to just put it in. Also, I'll try to finish the story by Christmas,or at least by the the 20th. That's the deadline I'm setting up for myself because I have two other stories that I'm not even working on(not to mention another FNAF [male]reader oneshot).

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