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Thank you to everyone who helped make Carmilla possible. The little webseries that could was more than just a little webseries to so many people, including me. It introduced me to an incredible family. A family that was so accepting and encouraging. In many ways Carmilla helped shape the person I am today. It helped me come to accept my sexuality and who I am when I felt like I was abnormal. I was abnormal in all honesty. This series really made me realize that that's ok though. Being normal is boring and everyone is different. What might seem odd to one person could be so incredibly beautiful to another. This series has helped so many people out there come to accept who they are and embrace it! I've been a part of many fandoms in my life but I've never been a part of a family like this. I can't thank the people who gave the community such an inspiring and amazing series enough. Even though the series is coming to an end it will always be a part of me. I will always be a creampuff.

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now