Kate (Tumblr user fat-free-malk)

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I would like to thank everyone in the Carmilla fandom and carmilla series. I wanted to watch it for a long time but never got around to it. When I finally watched it I binged it for 6 hours and didn't sleep that night. It really help understand my feelings. I never really understood my feelings before. And because carmilla showed representation I could feel closer to it and I finally understood that I was gay. It has helped me cope with the world and cause me to come out of my anxiety and depression ridden shell. I would also like to thank all the artists too due to the fact that they all work so hard to give us extra content during hiatus or when they don't show it on screen. I love reading fanfics and reading you comics. This has been a great journey and even though I joined very late it really made me change in so many ways and I can't express it enough how much I love carmilla and everyone who plays in the series or just loves the series.

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now