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Happiness. If I have to describe what Carmilla makes me feel, happiness it's the word. And I'm so thankful for that. I remember when I first started the series (honestly, a month ago...), and I was watching every episode with a big smile on my face. The rest of the world didn't matter. The rest of my problems, forgotten. Just for 36 episodes. Just some hours. At night. There was no sadness, emptiness or shutting down some parts of myself. It was just happiness. And I don't know how to even explain it, but it made me feel good. Really good. So the feeling continued with S2 and SZero and now with S3. Thanks. Thanks to the cast and the crew and everyone who makes this possible. Thanks to Natasha, Elise, Kaitlyn... The way you are, in front and behind the camera is just so inspiring. It kinda gives me confidence about myself, about the things that I can do, that I can achieve. Thanks to Spencer, Steph... For making this. For the way it's written and the way it's shoot. For everything. Carmilla it's that. It's a refugee. A house with walls that you know that are not gonna fall. They got you. They keep you safe. They give you strength. They give you confidence. They give you happiness. So thanks, again, for all of that 💙

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