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Thank you to everyone who has been involved in Carmilla. From the cast to the crew, without you all, this webshow would not have been possible. This webshow has showed me so much. Mel has taught me that it's ok to be competitive and assertive. Danny has taught me that you should be protective of one's you love, even if they don't realize that they need it. Kirsch showed me that you can be excited by everything if you look for the positive. LaF taught be to be curious about everything and question what is believed to be impossible. Carmilla taught me that you should face your past head-on. Laura showed me that the world isn't the black & white image that people see it as. Perry taught me that it's ok to long for normality when your life gets turned upside down. This show has displayed fully-fleshed queer characters that are extremely hard to find, even though it's 2016. It allows us to find representation in the small selection we're given. So thank you and goodnight Carmilla.

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now