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I can't believe it's been two years since Carmilla first aired. I mean, ok, I didn't catch it until the end of Season 1, but then I watched the whole thing in a very short space of time, and binge watching doesn't generally suit me.
Thank you for giving us an LGBT story that wasn't based on pain and suffering and on one of the characters dying. Thank you for being one of the first happy LGBT stories I've seen. Thank you for telling an incredible story that happens to have LGBT characters, rather than just limiting us to the miserable, angst-ridden romances that society tends to push on us. Thank you for bringing this wonderful fandom together. And thank you for giving us real, relatable LGBT characters, rather than the cheap caricatures and cardboard cutouts that a lot of the media seems to settle for.
So, goodbye Carmilla. You may be over, but you won't be forgotten.

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now