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Carmilla has helped a lot of people with their sexuality or gender; whether it be realization, acceptance or representation. I couldn't be more thankful for the representation and how it was represented; however, the show has helped me beyond that. I discovered the show at a point in my life where I was very headstrong, black and white, and morally righteous, and I would always wonder why when I try so hard to make things right and fight for what's right, that things end up going wrong, and through Laura I got the answer: I was imposing my own beliefs of right and wrong. After seeing a lot of my actions mirrored by Laura, I took to looking at Carmilla's view and started studying philosophy which has benefited my growth as a person and my perspective on a lot of things. If I never came across this webseries, I don't know who I would be today, and for that I have a very special place for it in my heart.

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