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Carmilla is the show I could trust even when gay characters were dying left and right everywhere else. I'm really going to miss each and every character- tiny gay Laura, broody gay Carmilla, tall gay Danny, mad scientist LaFontaine. I'm going to miss Mel, and Mattie, and even the Zeta jerks. I'm going to miss finding out what hellish things the dean has done this time, because there is no more "this time."

This show was so much more than just "gay." It had a plot that didn't revolve around sexuality. Everyone was just casually LGBT, and no one cared. Laf was so important to me, as a nonbinary person, because nowhere else in the media have I seen a nonbinary character who is skilled and smart and important and not a joke. I'm not even sure I've seen a nonbinary character at all. Representation is valuable. Carmilla is valuable.

And even when Carmilla is over, the actors are working on other projects, and there is nothing new to talk about, it will still be important to me. Even when the fans have moved on to other shows, we will remember it. We will remember being Creampuffs. We will remember the little show that started off in someone's home, with poor sound mixing and few special effects but a story and cast good enough to bring it into the light.

And now that light is fading, and it's time to say goodbye.

Goodnight, Carmilla. Thank you, thank you, for giving me hope.

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now