Bela (tumblr user wtfcarmilla)

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Carmilla had made such an impact on my life. As someone who has struggled with accepting my own sexuality since I was very young, this show showed me that it was okay to not be straight. It found me at a time in my life when I was depressed and not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. As cheesy as it sounds, this show quite literally saved my life. Every week, I had an episode to look forward to. I'd tell myself, "If you can get through the next two days, there will be a new episode of Carmilla."
I see myself so much in both Laura and Carmilla, and I think that's why I love them so much. As someone who has also had to learn to accept that the world is not black and white, I can relate to Laura. In Carmilla, I relate to her constant cynical behavior, and her having to learn how to open up about how she really feels. Over the past two years, I've grown along with both of the characters.
This show has also introduced me to so many great people. I met one of my best friends through this fandom, someone I finally got to meet over this Summer. I know that I always have a diverse and caring fanbase to fall back on when I'm sad. There's always someone willing to talk to you in the tampon fandom.
Everything about Carmilla has impacted me so much. I'm sad it's ending, but it's done so much good for so many people, including myself. The actors have done such a tremendously amazing job of portraying such rich and emotion-based characters. The writers have done such a great job writing such good characters. Everyone working on the show has built such an amazing viewing experience and I'm so grateful to them all for providing a show that came into my life exactly when I needed it. Thank you Carmilla cast and crew. - Bela

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