Gabi (Tumblr user nootvanlis)

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I consider Carmilla an important milestone in my life. One that's filled with happiness and a lot of learning about myself, improving myself, and meeting people in which I find myself connecting with easily (as someone who's shy, that's not very easy to do). I had very little friends in my life and now I can say I've made so many lifelong friendships that I would hope to all meet one day. Without Carmilla, without a doubt, my life would be so different now and I don't think I would've been the person that I am today. I feel so much happier, healthier, full of life, and full of acceptance on who I am and who/what I can become compared to before Carmilla came into my life where I felt lost and had no motivation or interest in anything. I felt like everything was a fleeting moment with no impact on me personally and that everyone was moving forward except me. Now I feel like I got my optimism back. I'm going to take these experiences and memories and keep them with me for a lifetime. I can't emphasize enough just how important Carmilla is to me, I just feel like a whole new person because of it, like someone came in to my life at the right time and left a huge impact on me. Thank you. #GoodnightCarmilla

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