Tumblr user leathalexa

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Hey carmilla cast!!

If I where asked about what has influenced me most in life, Carmilla would definitely be up there. A friend (@lauraskywalkr on tumblr) recommended Carmilla to me almost exactly a year ago, and I watched it all in a day. It was funny, I didn't actually know of my hella queerness until after I watched the show. I had thought of it before but pushed it so far back into my mind that I hadn't thought about it in years. But, that same friend helped me figure it out, and now I don't understand how there was a me who thought she was straight. Like how???? Anyway, once that friend helped me, I didn't have nearly as much trouble accepting it as I could have. Fresh from watching seasons 1 and 2 of carmilla, I had just seen some hella queer characters be okay with it, have their friends be fine with it, doing their saving-the-world thing, and just be accepted and loved. Carmilla didn't make a massive deal about Laura and Carm's relationship and the fact that it was gay as hell, it was treated...normally. Which to my young queer self, that was really really important to me, and made a great impression. That show was probably one of my first proper impressions of the LGBT community, and without it I have no idea where I'd be. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Im not very good at words so I hope that made sense, and at least conveyed a little of how much the show means to me. THANK YOU ALL
(@lethalexa on tumblr)

Goodnight, CarmillaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora