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I'm trying to make this as simple and short as possible, because otherwise there would be a wall of text about how much I adore all of you, cast and creative.
I found Carmilla accidentally and I don't even know how to describe how happy I am that I did. Just like Natasha said in one video about being on the set, "It felt like a home".
I'm 21 years old queer girl from Finland. I have always felt that I'm far below average at everything I do, but somehow this show and all of you made me realize that maybe I don't need to be "anything special" to be happy. As long as I have things that I like and enjoy to do. I also got courage to be who I am. My family is really homophobic and I may never come out to them. But that's fine; I have awesome friends who are my second family.
When I found Carmilla I was jobless (I work as a gardener and it's a seasonal job) so I had too much time to think about everything. Carmilla was my light and inspiration. I started exercising (I'm willing to start yoga! Got couple of classes already) and drawing more. Generally I got more energy to do things.
I had never really been so much into anything but wow, I got really into this fandom.
Shortly. I'm super super grateful to this series and the people behind it. Feels a little funny to say, but Carmilla improved my quality of life and made me a happier person. I wish best to all of you and I'm hoping to see what the future brings to you. Hopefully something good.

Love, Henna (creamsodacrush tumblr, Evoinu twitter)

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