Marj (tumblr user justsimpleworld)

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So this girl comes to talk to me on my tumblr messages asking if i would like to write something for the Carmilla cast & crew for these amazing last years. And first I was like "omg yes! I have so many things to thank them, it's a big part of my life, they're a big part of my life" and then I was like "but my english is not that good you know, so this will be hard for me". After some thinking I decided that I would write because this is one of the things that being in the Carmilla fandom has taught me: yes, there are language barriers but we still are such a united and strong fandom. We watched that Creampuff world domination map thing get A LOT of stars in all of the planet's continents. Like, this is pretty huge and awesome. Oh well, so here are my thoughts and thank yous for the Carmilla cast, crew and fellow fans:

Guys, one day I was scrolling through my dashboard and I found this little web series with this tiny nerd hufflepuff who was just entering (this is not a word i guess, idk) college. And by that time I was studying so hard for my college entrances tests, I think, subconsciously, I was looking for something that would make me laugh in the middle of that useless formulas and portuguese rules caos (btw, portuguese is a very hard language but has one of the best expressions in the whole world, look for "saudade", that's what I'm gonna feel when Carmilla is over). Anyway, I didn't know anything about it so watched 3 episodes in a row. Then, 5 more. And 5 more. By then I was already liking it so much that seemed like I had no control of myself. I HAD TO STUDY omg. Finally the 20th episode, the last one posted in that time. After that I was already a Creampuff. My sister is also a Creampuff, because I have the best sister in the world and she likes stuff that I like. We support each other.

One of the best things of the series is this connection we have with other excited and cool fans and also with the cast and the production of the series. The cast is so sweet and cute and supportive (and hot. amrite?). All of the cast is always so genuine when they receive love and compliments. You were understanding when random bad stuff happened bc someone or something that doesn't matter right now. You all are rays of sunshine. Talented and dedicated people. I hope you continue making art, doing what you love and impacting more people around the globe.

Thank you Elise for playing Laura. Some of us don't understand right away how complex and grey this world is. Humans are strange beings. We like self destruction but we also can do amazing things for each other. Laura and her self-discovering road will always be in my heart. Thank you Natasha for playing Carmilla. Oh, the broody gay vampire who is so much more. She learned how to live her new "life" in this whole new universe. And during all the centuries living with humans, she learned to appreciate the best of what we produce/make/have: art, philosophy and love. Thank you Kaitlyn for your personal connection with LaF and the show. LaF has taught me a lot. Including science things! They did the Dr. Frankenstein thing and this is one of my favorite books haha. Sharon, Annie, Aaron, Shannon, Matt, Sophia, Nicole and Enrico thank you making your characters so remarkable and relatable. This show would not be the same without all your talent and contributions.

To the crew, THANK YOU for every detail, for every thought, for every word, for every flannel chosen. Thank you for doing so much with so little. I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you continue to do your magic in new places, they'll need you!

THANK YOU U By Kotex for making this story possible. For helping these characters come to life and help thousands of people. We need more of this. We want to be able to see ourselves being the heroes, the warriors, the fighters we want to be.

Also, thank goddess for Canada. You should all visit Brazil... cuz I'm brazilian and... you know it's a beautiful country :)

Thank you Tay or boopbooppotayto for asking me if I would participate of your project. I really enjoyed writing this.

This season I was finally able to talk about the series with my friends in real life. And one of them is really enjoying, she loves the show. So, I created a Creampuff. I think I created a few hahah.
So before I get emotional, thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I will never forget this incredible journey.

- Marj, a proud Creampuff.

Goodnight, CarmillaWhere stories live. Discover now