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Bellas POV

I got up for school and put on my outfit. Black skinny jeans, a white stussy top and a pair of nike runners. I did my makeup and hair and didn't have to time to eat because my bus was here. I walked onto the bus and turned around to wave to Ari.

"Have a fun day! I love you!"

"I love you to!" I blew her an air kiss.

When I got on the bus there seemed to be more kids than yesterday and they were all staring at me. I spotted Penny and went to the back and sat with her.

"I still can't believe Ariana Grande adopted you!" Her eyes were full of happiness

"Me too. Is Austin coming today?"

"Yeah he should be coming on right now" as soon as she said that he walked on the bus.

Austin sat next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey gorgeous" my heart melted.


We all started talking and  than the bus stopped to let us out. Austins phone rang and he walked over to the side while Penny and I waited for him.

Austins POV

My phone started to ring and it was a number I'd never seen before. I excused myself from the girls and walked over to the side near a tree while they waited for me. I put my phone to my ear.

Austin: Hello?

Random: Hi it's Lucy. Please don't hang up!

My hand twitched at the 'end call' button. I wanted to press it so much.

Austin: What do you want? I'm at school.

Lucy: This will be quick. You may hate me and want nothing to do with me. But just because something got between us, doesn't mean I stopped loving and caring for you. What I'm trying to say is I want you back. I want you back as my-

I hung up. I couldn't bare to have still talking to me. What if Bella or anyone found out? My life would be over. I took a deep breath and walked back over to Bella and Penny.

"Hey is everything good?" Penny asked.

"Yep! Let's get to class before we're late"

The girls and I hurried into roll call and luckily we were just on time.

Bellas POV

I walked to my first class which was English. My teacher stared at me as I walked in with Penny.

"Good morning class. I forgot to mention to our new student, Bella that my name is Mr.Brooks"
I gave him a I already know that look. Who knew Jai Brooks would ever become a high school teacher?

Class finished and Jai asked me to stay back. It felt weird calling him Mr.Brooks so I just stuck to Jai.

"What's up?"

"It's about Ariana..."


"I'm still in love with her"

My eyes bulged and my mouth dropped open.


"Shhh" Jai walked over to the door and closed it.

"Just please don't tell her anything yet"

"Okay but why would you still love her when it's been so long?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Here's my number. Maybe we can meet up and talk about this"

"Kk sounds good"

I walked out of the classroom with a late note Jai had written for me for my next class.

I walked into maths and everyone was staring at me because I was late. I handed my note to the teacher and sat next to Austin and Penny.

"Where were you?" Austin whispered.

"Just had to get some homework"

Austin held my band under the table and I looked at him and smiled. When class was over I got called to the office. Ariana was waiting in there for me.

"Hey babe do you have all your stuff?"

"Uh yeah why?"

"We have to go i'll explain later"


I walked out and got in the car. I could hear the girls in my school screaming at the fence when they saw Ariana.

"So why did I have to leave early?"

"Ellen wants us on her show tonight so we're going to have to be at the airport in a few hours"


When we got home I packed all my stuff and than put my bags in the car. Ari did the same.


We arrived at the airport and boarded our plane. In an hour we landed in L.A and got a cab straight to Ellens studio. When we got there we both got our hair and makeup done than were ready to go out and talk to Ellen.


Hey babes♡ This chapter would've been longer but I wanted the interview to be in the next chapter💫 How have y'all been? I feel like I haven't updated in ages because I didn't have time yesterday😩 Sorry for any mistakes xxxx

Love you my Moonlight Beans💜☁💫🌙

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