Chapter 6

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After cleaning ourselves up, we place our headscarves back onto our heads and make our way out of the stuffy changing rooms. My bag is feeling heavier than before due to the water that has soaked it's way through my clothes which I wore before we had arrived.

I sigh in relief once the cold air hits my burning face and Maria laughs from besides me as she begins to fan her own with her hand. The air conditioners are placed just outside the changing rooms and I couldn't be more grateful for it. Being stuck in the warm swimming pool with at least thirty other women is claustrophobic, especially when the one hour session ends and everyone is crowded around the changing rooms, fighting over the showers. That's why Maria and I escape a good twenty minutes before everyone else gets out of the pool.

The outside area is quiet with only a few workers lounging around. They look exhausted as it's the end of the day even though they have an easy job.

"Man, I'm hungry!" Maria groans from besides me. She pulls at the side of her headscarf to let some cool air caress her neck as she turns to face the air conditioners. "Where are we going to eat? Can we get Pizza?!"

I shake my head at her and laugh. "We most definitely can't!" I drag out and waggle my index finger in front of her unhappy face. "We've just burned off loads of calories, we can't put it back on now!"

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes and nudges me. "Who cares about calories when there's food?!"

I bite my lip. Food sure is good...and Pizza does sound great.

"Ahem..." Maria smirks at me and I roll my eyes as she's figured out that I'm contemplating whether of not to grab some Pizza. I swear she can read my mind when it's about food. She's obsessed with food and she's always craving one thing or the other, however the only thing that bugs me is that she's thin as a twig. Someone explain to me how I can work this magic?!

"Okay, whatever." I give in way too easily. "Pizza does-"

"No!" She suddenly whisper-yells at me. Her eyes are looking far off down the other side of the Gym and I follow her gaze. "Ahem, AHEM!"

I squint my eyes to try and figure out who she's staring at but due to my sight being a little bit blurry when trying to look at objects in the distance, I can't seem to figure out who it is.

I smirk at her when I realise it's my time to shine. "A potential spouse for you?"

She clicks her tongue at me; instantly annoyed at my words.

"Don't-" I click my tongue back at her. "At me! I can't see!"

"Where are your glasses then?!" She snaps and shakes her head at me.

I roll my eyes at her and grab my backpack to swing it forward whilst still holding my gaze on her. She honestly makes me irked sometimes. Zipping it open, I grab out my glasses before throwing my arm around in the air. "HERE! HERE YOU GO YOUR-"

Her eyes suddenly widen as my hand crashes into something. My glasses slip from between my fingers and before I know it, a loud crack is heard. I grimace and squeeze my eyes shut as the sound rings through my ears.

"Ow?!" A deep voice cries from behind me and I spin around to find Hudayfah standing in front of me with his hand on the side of his head. "What was that for?!"

"What was- what was that for?!" I repeat his question with a shriek. I snap my eyes down to the floor and sigh when I realise my specks are suffocated underneath his giant foot, the glass broken. "My glasses?!"

I bend down to pick it up after Hudayfah shuffles his feet away. Scooping it onto my hand, I stand back up and stare at it for while.

Ugh, my favourite glasses. My only glasses.

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