Chapter 24 - Entwined Feelings..

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The next morning...

Sleepless and exhausted ,I try to forget what happen last night and continue with my daily routines but somehow the pain still lingers in my heart.

 ( i didn't sleep well...)

I can't forget how Raika was last night....

(She hugged me our hearts was in harmony , but then she said sorry and she pushed me away....)

......But one thing was clear to me..she rejected me ...

She rejected me , while making me realize what i really feel about her....

"..What was that all about ?"

"What was what ?"


Kasumi and Yomiko entered the living room , interrupting my mussing monologue ....

"What did i tell you ? See an interesting response right ...?" Said Miyoko while grinning

Kasumi just stared at me in disgust...

Miyoko peers into my face...

"Hmnn ? Why, so, ... serious !?"

"Want me to wipe out that smile on your face ..?"

"Why - so - serious !!"

(that's it i'm gonna knock the shiznits out of this woman..)

As soon as i stood up , she immediately run towards the door still teasing me..

"Maybe you didn't make a move on Raika ? That's probably why you're grumpy."

That stop me in my tracks.


said Miyoko grinning while dodging the pillow i've thrown her.

(I really hate her sometimes...)

"I've seen a lot of you two together lately.."

"Maybe a hug from her would cheer you up ?"  

she grinned mirthfully without realizing that's the exact moment that i got into this..depression..

"Oh..Miyoko , you silly."

"But can't deny it . They have been close lately.." Added Kasumi.

"Good morning !"

Just then Raika makes her appearance.

"Good morning guys !" she gleefully greeted

"Morning Raika." said Miyoko 

"Good morning Raika."said Kasumi

"Oh!....G-good morning...." ( I have to get out of here...)

Raika greets me as if nothing happen last night.

Then Miyoko whispers into my ear...

"Hey! Raika's here to cheer you up .."

"Hehehe...shut up.."


As Miyoko attempts to push me towards Raika she suddenly steps back , cheeks red and eye averting me..Which immediately caught Miyoko's attention.

"Huh ?"

Raika stood still and kept her silence...and slips into the kitchen.

"....Is it just me or Raika's avoiding you ..."

".....i agree." said Kasumi

"Maybe she's not feeling well or something..."


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