Where am i?

64 5 0

No pov

The crisp leaves crunched under Ross's feet. He didn't know who thought it would be a great idea to go hunting in the forest near to his home. The light of the sun shone though the leaves, it danced across Ross's brownish blue  hair and reflected his sharp reddish eyes.  If it wasn't for his blue  polo shirt, Ross would of blended in with the forests greenery.

A rustle of leaves  and snapping twigs jolted Ross out of his day dream. He stopped, noticing a mop of browny red hair in front of him. The face soon followed, eyes open, bright white, with a daredevil smirk on his face. He knew that face. He father told stories about him.....but, Ross thought they were fairytales.

Ross's adrenaline kicked into overdrive. His feet smashed into the leaves beneath him. Leaves and mud were kicked up behind him as he ran.   
Suddenly, Ross stopped. The man was no were to be seen. Ross shook his head, the silence had become worse. He hated the sound of his own loud breaths. Ross stumbled over, his hands grabbed the closest thing near him. A tree. A large, black looking one. Dead. No leaves hung from its towering branches. The roots were large and  a flock of crows fly from the trees.

The landscape had changed drastically. The grass was no longer lush and green. But dead and yellow. The lakes were black and gooey. Even the sky had changed. An eerie reddish purple cloaked the bright blue of a sky that was once heathy.

Ross pulled away from the tree, and started to find his way back to the others.
When, he stops, suddenly. A sensation of water dripped down his fingertips. He pulled his left arm up in worry.

Blood poured from a wound Ross never remembered. A small opening on his pointy finger. He shook his head and wiped the bloody mess in his blue jeans. Not thinking twice about it. He ran off, towards the sound of his friend shouting
"Got one!!"

I hope that this is okay. I tried my best. I'll include more details later on. Thanks again. Peace

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