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Colin woke drenched in sweat and his body quivering. Ross was asleep on the sofa, his messy hair swept to one side and his spider eyes were closed for once. Grayson and RJ were sleeping as well as Kaiser and the rest of of Drake's team.
Colin didn't want to frighten anyone, so he just laied there and thought.

Suddenly, Meghn rushed through the doors and screamed for every one to get up. Drake yelped and fell of the couch as did RJ. Grayson and Kaiser woke and bolted up right. Mia, Grace and Allison were behind Colin' s father, a smile on their lips.
"What?" Ross coughed and stood, about to ask something. Suddenly, with a mess of black hair and cyan eyes, Colin was smashed against someone.
Drake yelped again and struggled to stand.
What was going on?
"With the little mana I had left, I managed know" Allison smiled and held her cape close.
The black hair flew around Colin' s face as he looked down. There, clutching his body like a lifeline, Armen.
His clothes torn and bloodied and his face and chest and stomach littered with scars.
Colin cried out in happiness and joy as he saw his bother in once peice.
Drake smiled and managed to get over for them, hugging them close.
Grayson rushed over and collided his body with the two brown heads and raven. Kai and Mia and Ross smiled.
"How?" Kai asked.
Allison's smile faded.
"I gave some of my life force to him. I know how much he ment to all of you. It was the best I could do."
Kai stood in shock, her best friend gave her life force

"You are crazy! God your lucky I'm your friend." Kai breathed a sigh of relief. "Wouldn'tbeen able to do it with out Eren or Thai so..." Grace laughed and huffed her white haired friend again. Sasha was sleeping still, her face dug into the pillows. Eren smiled and said,
"You're welcome. Beside, he's a good kid"
Ross knew things were be okay, as long as Herobrine didn't intervine like he always does.
The gang laughed and huffed each other before shoving through to the kitchen for at least something to eat before they worked on the next plan of action.

I'm back. Sorry about leaving this for about five months, I just didn't have an idea till last night. I couldn't kill off Armen, it'll be a sin!
But, I hope you can forgive me. Things are still sour in my life and I know I'm not the only one. But, I love writing. It's my escape from reality which sucks. I really am sorry, I know I don't really deserve forgiveness. Just know that I am truly sorry. I hope to update soon. Thank you all for reading, I probably wasted your time....
Peace x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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