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Ross pov
I sigh as I look up at the faces.
"This is gonna be..-"
"Shut it!" A boy with ash black hair shouted.
I stop and close my mouth. He looked familiar to me. Ashy black hair.
Lost cyan eyes....
Wait! Eye?! One was a terrifying pure white which i have seen too many time for my liking. His voice sounded like something I've heard before..........I couldn't pin point who he was. 
"Let's get going...first!
Who are you and who sent you?!" I flinch as the tone before answering
"Names Ross. I wasn't sent by any one! I stumbled across this land!!" I say, my eyes tightly closed. I opened my hybrid eye- red circles appeared, my vision blurred but i could see enough to make out te voice belonged to a girl with white hair. She had a short blue skirt and a red top, a sword in which she was holding, was silver, with gold and red patterns down the center. What really got me was her eyes.
One sparkling amber
The other crystal blue.  And her tail and ears. Large wolf ears the size of my hands were on the top of her pure white hair. A long bushy red tail followed her around.
A hybrid.
"Ross is it?" The boy with ashy hair.    
"Yes!" I say.
"Now way! Ross is that you!? It's me.  Armen!?" My eyes widen. No way!
"Ross! It's you!"
"Armen? My.... My brother?!" I say.
"Step actually. But yeah" Armen says.
Armen Endernight is my Step Brother..........

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