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Mia pov
I did it!
I got on his team!
It's strange though, because, all six of us; Nico, RJ, Eren, Sasha and Thai and myself had to though a spell which linked our minds with Drake. Drake's mind was linked with Him.....
Thats how we get requests. Now, drake told us that the team, Team of Seven, will carry out deeds to Herobrine. Meaning, if He requested us to go......er......kill, we would have to do it. Mostly in the empire though, but, we've lately got a request to go to the overworld to kill and a man called Aaron Bells. 
Gotta say, Drake's changed. He's not his old self. But, i can tell he hates doing His dirty work. I've changed to. Though, it hurts to know that he doesn't actually remember me. All he's said, is that he remembers a boy named Colin.
That's a plus. Slight problem is that...he's made me a warrior.
I can no longer feel physical pain. He's taught me; and the others, how to use different weapons and ammunition.
For instance;
Nico is good with two blades longer than his hands.
Sasha is great with a bow and arrow and knives.
Thai is amazing with an axe and hatchets.
Eren is good with spears and long ranged weapons.
And drake- magic and swords.
Myself, good with swords and long range weapons and ammunition.

Drake pov
Message after message. Herobrine was sending out requests. Suddenly, we've got three requests in one day.
•kill Aaron Bells.
•locate the Emperor.
•locate and kill Lloyd Zenith.
The name Zenith sent a twinge in the back of my head. Like. I knew the name. Who was it?

We were packing up our backpacks.
Mine, was filled with potions, one spell book, two 'magic' swords and sone maps- RJ had most of them. Every one else seemed ready.
Eren had his red cape swung around one shoulder, his armor was light and sliver and royal blue. His blue hair was cut back slightly, though it still kept it wild and spiky as always. His red and gold spear was slung over his back. It was long and thin the red running down the center.
Nico(this may seem bad, but his full name is Nicotine- sorry if this offends anyone-) had his white hair wild as hell, his two long, red and blue and gold swords crossing over on his back. Thai had her bow and quiver, the bow being made outta pure silver, the string was red. The arrow feathers were blue and back. Thai's long hair was tied up into a ponytail. And, Mia had her sword in her mouth as she cleaned her shield. She became brutal in battle. Yet kind and loving at home.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and pull my cape around myself. I motioned the others to follow me me to the portal. Mia looked un easy, as if she thinks this is wrong.
Killing innocent?
Yeah. It is.
Torturing other to get word?
Yep, that's on the wrong list.
Locate and spy on the other?
That's just plain wrong......
But, we have to. And no. Not for money.
For freedom actually.
I just hope that they don't recognize us........

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