Chapter 6

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"So he asked you on a date to meet his parents," Jada says.

"Yeah but it wasn't really a date he was just using me to impress his parents ," I say.

"Shit Harry has not even introduced Louis and the guys to his parents personally and they have been friends since they were kids. He is very closed off. He kind of hates them too," she says.

"Yeah and then I agreed to go,  but I pissed him off when I started to talk about like how rude he is to everyone and things like that, so he told
Me it was a bad idea for him to ask me and slammed the door in my face and left," I say.

"Damn you guys have like a romance novel relationship," she says.

"Shut up," I say and throw a French fry at her.

"I'm just joking, but yeah Harry is very closed off and his personal life is a touchy subject. I told you that," she says.

"Do you think I should apologize and agree to be his date again," I ask.

"Absolutely not Harry needs someone who isn't always concerned with kissing his ass to make sure they don't piss him off," she says. "He was a dick to you."

"I agree he was a dick. I still feel bad for bringing up his personal matters," I say.

"I don't care what you feel. Do not apologize," she say.

"Alright mom geesh," I say. We throw away it lunch trays and leave the cafeteria. Jada heads to math and I head to my art class.

When I get into class I take a seat and my easel. Our instructor tells us to paint the thing that is bothering us most in life. I pick up the color pencils and begin to draw.

Thirty minutes later a timer sounds. The class begins going around the room and sharing what is treading them out. One guy drew the school which everyone thought was pretty funny. I look at my easel and notice I drew Harry.

"Fuck," I say to myself. I sometimes zone out when I draw and I just draw what I feel. Apparently I was feeling Harry was the most annoying thing in my life.

"Penelope we would to see what you drew now," my teacher says.

"Do I have to," I say. I really don't want to show it.

"Yes you do," she responds.

"Is personal and kind of stupid. Also a bit accidental-"

"Just show us your work please," she begins getting irritated. I sigh in defeat and turn the easel. Some girls in the class begin whisper, because they recognize Harry others stare in jealousy and admiration.

"Tell us about your work Penelope," she says

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"Tell us about your work Penelope," she says.

"There is not much to say except I am currently deeply annoyed by this boy," I say.

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