Chapter 20

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When I woke up this morning Harry wasn't in bed. I roll over to his side to grab my phone and notice a note on the dresser.

You were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you. I set an alarm so you could have time to get for work. I'll be back in time to pick you up and drop you off. I had a few errands to run.

-xxx, Harry

P.s. You snore. Like really loudly.

"I do not," I say to myself at his comment about me snoring.

I decide to roll out of bed and find something edible in Harry's kitchen. I open the fridge and find a fruit salad bowl that looks fresh. I decide to make some eggs and sausage as well. As I'm finishing up the cooking I hear the front door open. I turn around and see Harry walking in. He looks different.

"You cut your hair," I say and drop the spatula in the pan to walk over to him.

"Yeah do you like it," he asks.

"I mean yeah you look so good. I just really loved the curls," I say.

"I was outgrowing the curls don't you think," he says.

"Yeah," I say. "I like this though," I tell him running my fingers through the shorter freshly cut hair.

"Yeah now you can stop pulling at it when we have sexual interactions," he says.

"I do not," I gasp. "And who says sexual interactions and I do not snore."

"Sorry babe but you do when you're really sleepy. I must have tired you out last night," he says cornering my in between his body and the counter. His lips are about to attach to mine when someone knocks on the door.

"You should go get that," I tell him and shove him away. I return to cooking at the stove. I hear Harry open the door but instead of the person coming in I hear indistinctive mumbling.

"You can't be here," I hear Harry say.

"Why is she in there," a feminine voice says. "You sure are spending a lot of time together."

"Just go I'll meet you for dinner later and we will talk," Harry snaps.


"I said go," Harry says a little more demanding cutting the woman off. I'm almost positive it's Glenda. My blood boils at the thought that Harry is still lying to me and that he is still seeing this woman. I hear the front door close and I turnt he oven off since the food has finished. I make our plates and grab mine to take to the living area. I sit down and eat my breakfast while checking my email. My purse is lying on the floor so I pull my glasses out so I can see better.

"Mind if I join you," Harry says.

"Sure don't get too full though you have dinner plans later," I snap back at him sarcastically. His face drains of color and he looks a little nervous.

"It's not what you think-"

"I'm not thinking anything. Why ever would I think anything of it?" I retort sarcastically.

"Don't do that," Harry says.

"You do this Harry. Why are you still in contact with this women?"

"She's just a friend," he tells me.

"A friend you used to fuck right," I say. Harry sits quietly before responding.

"That's in the past," he says.

"Maybe to you but not to her. That's why she keeps coming around and tries to involve herself in your life," I exclaim.

"I owe that woman my life. She saved me without her I wouldn't be half as put together as I am now," he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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