Chapter 10

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Harry pulls up to a night club in the city called Label. When he gets out I get it as well. He comes around my side of the car and grabs my hand to pull me along behind him.

"You're holding my hand," I say.

"Yeah so," he says.

"I wouldn't want anybody to see and your cover get blown," I snap and snatch my hand away.

"Good call," he says. I'm pissed I thought he would have reacted differently. We get inside the club easily since the body guard knows Harry.

When we enter everyone starts congratulating Harry by hugging him and slapping him on the back. Two girls kissed his cheeks and I rolled my eyes. We head to the back of the club into a booth which I am assuming is VIP. There i am met with Jada, Louis, and the rest of the gang including Taylor. She stands up and wraps her arms around Harry's neck and gives him a big kiss. Shockingly Harry kisses her back and I relook away. Harry pulls away and smirks at me, but I just look away from him.

"You wanna go get a drink," I ask jada.

"Yeah sure," she says. We go up to the bar and I order three shots of tequila.

"Hey you already had three in the car," jada says.

"Yeah that was almost two hours ago im fine now. I can handle this," I say.

Two hours later

I was absolutely not fine. I was five tequila shouts in and on top of that I had been drinking beer like it was water. I throw back another shout and the small crowd that I have drawn attention to cheers.

"Whhhooooo," I shout as I slam the glass onto the table. I can hardly stand.

"I think you and I have had enough," jada slurs.

"I'm just getting started," I say giggling. I see Harry in the back of the VIP section watching me. I lift my finger and motion for him to come to me. He swallows the last of his drink and then sits the glass on the table and heads my way.

When he is finally standing right in front of me I wrap my arms around his neck.

"What is it," he asks.

"I just wanted someone to dance with," I say. "Why do you sound so mad?"

"Because you're drunk," he responds.

"I am not- drunk," I say with a hiccup.

"Yes you ar-"

"Shhhhhh no no talking just dance. I love this song," I say. This is what you came for blares out of the speakers. I begin to sing and twirl around freely in front of Harry and he just watches me.

"What is it," I ask him. "You have to have fun with me Harry you never have fun."

"Nothing you just look so happy I don't wanna ruin it," he says. I extend my hand to him and he grabs it. I twirl myself under his arm and laugh.

"You gotta smile more harry. You have such a pretty smile," I say. I try and twirl him under my arm and he laughs because I'm too short.

"See that's what I was looking for-" I stumble into the crowd and almost fall but Harry catches me. I laugh uncontrollably and peck Harry's cheek.

"My hero," I say.

"Yeah it's time for you to go home," Harry says.

"I can't not like this. I'll wake up my abuela she will be so mad," I say.

"It's alright we will figure something out. Im gonna tell the guys we are leaving," he says. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around his waist.

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