Chapter 7

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We pull up at this grand house on the upper east side of New York. We drove for about 30 minutes just to get to Harry's house.

"You live on a golf course," I ask.

"No Edward owns the golf course. This is the Styles Estate," he says not so happily.

"My step father plays golf here a lot wow I never knew-"

"Just don't make a big deal about it please," he cuts me off.

"Don't be embarrassed," I tell him.

"I'm not. I just don't like to be flashy and make a big deal about the things my parents have," he says.

"I completely understand that. My mom and step dad are loaded. They always try to buy me things to make up for... sorry I'm rambling," I say.

"No it's alright. Let's just head up to the country club," he says.

"Why did we come down here," I ask.

"Oh I didn't want to drive my car up and then the valet have to park it. I'm just gonna take the golf cart," he tells me.

"Oh alright," I say. He parks his car in the garage and comes out in a black golf cart.

"Your chariot awaits," he jokes and I laugh. He is actually being tolerable for once, but I know his personality will switch soon.

We drove up the hill to the country club. I can see some of the decorating from outside the building. There are very grand chandeliers and white fancy tables with black and white accessories in them.

"What is the charity for," I ask.

"Breast cancer awareness; It runs on Genevieve's side of the family," he says.

"Oh okay," I say. Harry parks in the back of the club. When I get out and walk around Harry waits with his arm out for me to hold onto it.

"So gentlemanly," I tease and Harry rolls his eyes. We walk up the steps and I pray that I don't fall with these skyscraper heels.

The security looks at Harry and smiles. He must really know who he is because once he realizes it's him he hugs him and let's him.

"Your parents are going to be so happy to see you boy," he says.

"Thanks," Harry says uninterested

"He has worked for Edward and Anne since I was a child," Harry says.

"I have a question," I say. "Why do you call your parents by their first names?"

"Because I do. I told you to mind your business," he snaps. I roll my eyes and jerk my arm out his and instead just walk in behind him.

We get inside and I see a lot of people with fancy attire. A brunette girl approached Harry and jumps into his arms.

"Hazza," she says squeezing him tight.

"Hi gems," he says. He smiles down at the small girl. He genuinely smiles for once and t surprises me because I have never seen him do that.

"I missed you so much baby brother," she says and I sigh in relief.

"I missed you too Gems," he says.

"And who is this," she says looking over at me. I begin to introduce myself but Harry steps in.

"This is my date for the night, Penelope," he says.

"I can introduce myself," I snap at him. "Hi it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Penelope or you can call me Yvelisse, whichever you prefer." She shakes my hand and smiles at me.

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