Chapter 16

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"What is it," I say. I have harry right where I want him, but before he can respond his phone rings. He pulls away and I now realize that this conversation will have to take place on another day.

"Hello," harry says pulling the phone out of his pocket. I sigh in defeat and walk around the car to my side. I get inside and watch as harry talks on the phone.

After what feels like eternity he ends the call and gets in the car. He silently cranks his car and begins driving down the road. He doesn't say anything about our previous conversation so neither do I.

"Welcome to Walsh Publishing, how may I help you," the pretty blonde receptionist says.

"Hi yes I'm Penelope Crúz and I'm here for an interview with Mr. Walsh," I say.

"Let me see," she responds. She begins typing in her computer m, then she grabs her phone.

"Mr. Walsh there is a Penelope Cruz down stairs at the front desk waiting for you," she tells the person on the other end.

"Great I'll send her right up," she says and hangs up the phone.

"You can head over to the elevator and go to the pent house level. He will be waiting to greet you at the door, good luck," she says.

"Thank you so much," I respond. The elevator ride up is honestly very slow especially since I have to go all the way to the top floor. On my ride up I think about Harry and how our departure left me confused as to where we stand. He dropped me off and didn't say a word. Since then we haven't talked and I try not to think about it too much b-

"Miss are you going to get off," a very handsome young man standing at the front doors says to me. I was so wrapped up into my thoughts I hadn't even realized I had reached my floor.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't even paying attention," I say.

"No worries," he flashes me a smile. He has the deepest set of dimples and the whitest teeth that make his smile seem some what warm and inviting.

"I'm Penelope," I say and extend my hand.

"David, it's a pleasure to meet you," he says and smiles again. He's so beautiful I want to melt.

"I'll see you around," I say. I walk on my way toward the door of the office in which I will have my interview. I look back and notice David is still following me. I stop in my tracks and turn to him.

"Are you following me," I ask him and bite me lip. He gives me a slight side smirk.

"I'm headed for an interview in this direction as well," he says.

"We mine as well walk together," I say.

"After you," he says. We talk a little more until finally approach the office. He begins punching a code in the door and we go inside. The office is amazing and spacious; it also has a beautiful view of the city. After taking a walk around I sit in the seat across from the desk. I notice David shuffling around and putting different things together. Once he is finished he takes a seat in the chair across from me.

"Is Mr. Walsh not coming," I ask him.

"I'm already here," he respond with a smile. My eyes widen.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"It's alright," he responds.

"You just are so young I expected some older man. My mistake," I say. I am totally not getting this internship.

"It's fine. Would you like to start the interview process now," he says.

"Please," I say.

Fixing HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora