Chapter 17

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I run off before Louis gets the opportunity to stop me. I walk down what I think is the hallway I went down when I previously visited Harry. I see a door to my right and then a few more a bit further down. I nervously approach the door and give it a knock.

"Harry," I say. "It's me Evie." No one answers so I knock again.

"Harr-," the door swings open and I am met with a man that isn't harry. Instead I see what looks like a body guard because he is wearing all black.

"Are you lost little girl," he says with a sinister voice.

"I'm looking for Harry," I say. I start to walk away and another voice stops me.

"Well don't go come on in I always welcome fans," a man with a thick Irish accent says. Then I see him the big guy who is Harry's opponent. He looks just like Louis said and for the first time in a while I am scared to death.

"I'm sorry I'm not a fan I was just looking for someone," I say trying to get away, but he's too quick and slips out of his dressing room to grab me.

"Why are you in a rush," he asks. "What are you styles girl or something?"

"I'm not I'm just a friend. I- I wanted to wish him good luck," I lie. He moves closer to me and wraps his hand around my waist.

"Please stop," I beg.

"I love it when they beg," he says darkly. "You tell styles I'm not going to stop until I kill him, then afterward I'll find you and we can have some real fun." He squeezes me extremely tight and I try and shove him away as he gets closer.

"Please stop," I beg. "HARRY," I shout hoping he is in a room down the hall and will come to my rescue.

"Shut up bitch," the guy yells and shoves me down the hall. I stumble as I catch my balance and someone catches me. I look up and it's harry. My arms instantly wrap around his neck and he engulfs me.

"Styles your friend is cute," I hear the man say. Harry tries to push me away and get to him, but I stop him.

"Harry please don't I'm scared," I whisper in his ear. His body tenses up and he wraps an arm around my waist.

"That's right Styles listen to your bitch," the guy cackles.

"Fuck You Baxter. I'll handle this in the once and for all," harry snaps. The guy enters his Locke room and slams the door. Harry takes my hand and drags me into his Locker room and closes the door.

"Thank you so-," I start but harry cuts me off.

"What were you doing back here," he shouts. His tone takes me back a bit and I get scared all over again.

"I was worried about you Louis told me about the fight and how it was illegal and-"

"Fucking Louis he has one job and that's to keep you safe. They all do and no one can do that. What are you even doing here," he snaps.

"I wanted to see you... fight. I wanted to see you fight," I correct myself.

"Then you should have stayed in the arena Eve it's not safe for you to be walking around back here," he yells again.

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry isn't going to fucking cut it what if something had happened to you," he snaps and then I start to cry.

"Please stop yelling," I sniffle,"I'm so sorry." I add. Harry stops pacing and sits on the bench.

"Evie stop crying come here," he says. I instantly get up and walk over to him like a small child so he can embrace me. He lifts me so I am sitting on his lap and hugs me closely.

Fixing HimTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang