Chapter 12

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I wake up because I hear someone knocking at the door. I turn over and see Harry still sleeping on his stomach. I get up to open the door and see abuela standing there.

"Abuelita, que Es," I ask. (What is it?)

"I was just checking on you. You never lock your door," she says and raises her eyebrow.

"Oh I didn't mean to. I came back late last nigh and I was exhausted," I lie.

"Mhm," she says. She turns to walk away and says, "tell your boyfriend his coat is downstairs whenever he gets ready to leave."

I instantly freeze at her comment. I quickly shut the door and crawl back into bed with Harry. The clock only says seven am which is too early for me to be up on a Saturday morning.

"Who was that," Harry murmurs. He rolls over to face me. I move some of the curly hairs off his forehead.

"My abuela," I say. "She knows you're here. You left your jacket downstairs idiota."

"Sorry," he murmurs and then dozes back off. I snuggle up to his warm chest and fall back to sleep.

The next time I wake up it is almost eleven o'clock and also harry is gone. I sit up and look in the bathroom to see if he is there but he isn't. I clean myself up before heading downstairs.

"Buenos Dias abuela," I say.

"You know if you're going to have a boy over that's okay. You're eighteen, just don't lie to me about it," she says changing the subject.

"I'm sorry," I say. "Did you see him leave?"

"Yeah he headed out about an hour or two ago. He said he didn't want to wake you and he had things to take care of," she says. "He is very handsome."

"Don't ever tell him that it will blow his head up," I say and she laughs. I make myself an omelet and a glass of orange juice and head back up to my room to eat. I grab my phone off the dresser and text Harry. Time goes by and before I know it, it is almost two o'clock. I have been sitting in my bed all day watching Netflix and harry still has not texted me back. I want to send him another message but I decide not to.

When the time gets to five o'clock I get pissed off. He thinks he can come over here and be intimate with me and then just disappear like nothing even happened and that pisses me off. I decide to call jada and rant to her.

"You finally got some action," she says after I tell her about last night.

"That's not the point. He left afterwards and I feel shitty," I say.

"What should I do," I ask.

"You should put on a sexy outfit and come over for a party inside my house tonight. It's pre- Halloween," she says.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's where you like celebrate Halloween before Halloween. I don't know we really love Halloween and can't wait for it so we are gonna have a party now and on Halloween," she says.

"I don't have a costume," I tell her.

"Omg you can wear my devil consume from last year and I'll be the angel," she says.

"No I'm the angel you're the devil," I say.

"No can do sweet cheeks I was the devil last year and I can't be a repeat offender," she says.

"Fine ," I sigh.

"Come over and help me set up and stuff," she says.

"I'll be there soon," I say and hang up. I grab a few things and head to jades house. I pull up to the gate and jada buzzes me in. I park my car in the usual spot and then head inside.

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