Chapter 19

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I stopped by my house first to get some pajamas and clothes for work tomorrow. Harry asleep wanted to drop my car off because he said he would be taking me to work to make sure that prick doesn't try anything.

After I get all my necessities together I give abuela a goodnight kiss and head downstairs to Harry's car. When I get inside he jumps as if he had not seen me coming. I can tell he is nervous about our talk by the way he drives in silence. I wrap my hand around his cold fingers and play with his rings like I always do to let him know that I'm here for him. He sighs and I can tell he is a little relaxed.

A few minutes later we pull up to Harry's condo in the city. Rich boy. He parks his car in the deck and we get out. Harry grabs my bags and carries them all inside. When we get on the elevator I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh. I'm so exhausted but I'm forcing myself to stay awake so harry and I can finally talk.

We go inside Harry's apartment and I walk right over to the chair in front of the large glass window after taking my heels and jacket off. Harry takes my bags and puts them away. I sit and wait for him to return.

I see him walking down the hallway and then he walks over to the seat where I'm sitting.

I gently clasp his shoulders and scoot closer to him.

"Relax I'm not going anywhere," I tell him.

"You say that now but after I tell you something's what if you change your min-"

"I won't," I cut him off. I remember promising his mother and father that I wouldn't push harry away and I do not break promises. "I promise you I won't." I stick my pinky up and harry wraps his around mine. He laughs a little then pulls away. I see his mood shift a little to a more somber feeling.

"I had a rough upbringing," he says. "It wasn't always rough. When it was good it was really good, but when it was bad it was really bad."

I nod my head for him to continue.

"I don't remember any of the good because of what Genevieve had done to me, so the only information I've acquired I found when I was going through my adoption file in my dads library at the house. My mom was a single parent for Gemma and I. God only knows who our father is. She was a drug addict, alcoholic, prostitute, etc. you name it and my mom was it. She lost Gemma when I was about six or seven. Yeah courts took her away because the teachers reported bruises on her. My mom used to beat on us a lot and when she wasn't her boyfriend of the week was," he says and sighs.

"Keep going it's okay," I say.

"After she lost Gemma things got a lot worse. The only reason they couldn't take me is because when social services came I wasn't there and I'm guessing she lied and said I didn't live with her or something. Selfish I know but she needed a punching bag that badly. I was young so I loved her even though she did all those things to me and I always hoped she would get better, but things actually got worse," he says. I can hear the trimmer in his voice.

"It's alright harry," I say urging him to continue.

"She started doing drugs more and beating on me more the older I got. She burned me with cigarettes so did her friends and boyfriends. That's why I have a lot of these scars on my body. I got cut across the forehead here," he says showing the scar.

"That happened because I asked to play catch with boyfriend of the week and he said he would only do it if we did it with his pocket knife," he tells me. I can feel Harry's body starting to shake as he digs deeper and deeper into his past. His breathing becomes heavy and I can tell he is about to have a panic attack and even though I want to know more I stop him.

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