Chapter 1

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I was finally going to visit my brother, Luke, whilst he was on tour. I was so proud of him and his 3 best friends for managing to be the opening act for One Direction. I was also slightly hoping on running accidentally into Harry Styles. Yes, I’m another one of the million of girls in love with the guy; however I’m 110% sure to meet him for longer than the average 3 minutes.

My plane had finally landed after possibly the longest flight of my life, I was tired, hungry and grumpy so in the ideal mood to meet my brother and his idiot friends. As I walked lazily through arrivals I could hear the screams of teenage girls before I even set sight on them, knowing instantly that these girls were going to be the way to find the tall blonde boy I was so familiar with, I followed the growing crowd. The next 30 seconds were a blur as I was soon engulfed by 3 members of 5 seconds of summer. “Kayleigh!!!!!” was practically screamed in my ears from Calum, Michael and finally Ashton who had managed to wrap himself round my legs like a child. This wasn’t unusual as everyone seemed to treat me like a little sister even if I wasn’t and was only just younger than Luke.

“Hey, guys, she’s my sister.” I heard from behind the three bodies blocking me away from the outside world, one by one they slowly detached themselves from me allowing me to finally set my eyes on my brother, “Hey baby sis!” he smiled. I walked over to him playfully smacking his chest before hugging him tightly. Luke and I had always been close probably a twin thing and from it he was very over protective especially with boys. It was the first thing he had said to me when the band was first formed, no way was I to go near any of them and every day since I’m reminded of that rule. But like I said I’m practically their sister, nothing would happen.

“I’m only a few minutes younger than you; you’re just abnormally tall for your age!” I poked my tongue out at him after he finally let me go from his tight grip. He laughed at me before taking my luggage in one hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulders with the other, “I missed you.” I whispered to him as he guided me through the many screaming girls towards a car waiting.

“I missed you too, sis.” He squeezed my shoulders softly before letting me climb into the car waiting. I had only been here for 10 minutes and I was already dreading saying goodbye to Luke. When he left last year it tore me apart, the idea of my brother and mum being so far away scared me, who was going to be there for me whenever I needed help with exams, school work, applications and all the boring things. Or what would I do when I needed cheering up; Luke was always the one to help fix the heartbreaks and arguments between family, friends and even guys. If Luke wasn’t available, the other 3 boys would be there to do just the same, I was practically their groupie always cheering them on, going to as many gigs as possible, having everything with their names on it, I was their number one fan and now they had left. I knew that they were going to be living their dreams and I was so proud and happy for them, it being everything that they had ever wanted. But deep down I didn’t want them to leave, I prayed right up until the moment that plane took to the skies that they would somehow come to some big realisation and stay at home instead. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in them because I did they are the most talented people I know, I was just scared that if they got their heart broken I wouldn’t be there to fix it, or even worse they would forget about me entirely.

Eventually we arrived at their hotel, the whole ride their I was asking every question I could think of as well as filing them in with everything that they could have possibly missed from the neighbours getting a new dog that liked to bark at unspeakable hours of the night to what had happened during their favourite TV shows. As we left the safety of the car into the sea of screaming girls crowding the entrance, Luke grabbed my hand guiding me in front of him, I was sandwiched between Luke and Ashton as we walked in a line towards the door, me being the clumsy idiot managed to trip over my own feet nearly falling to the floor if it wasn’t for Ashton who caught me. I blushed a little before continuing towards the door. Flashes of lights were going off around me as people screamed the boy’s names as well as shouting questions at them; the sound was terrifying considering that a few months ago they were unknown.

“LUKE! Is this your new girlfriend?” Someone shouted, I couldn’t help but laugh and squirm at the idea of us dating. Everyone turned round looking for our reactions; we looked at each other before backing away and looking to the voice in disgust.

“She’s my sister! Dude! Eww!!” Both of us pulling faces at each other as the three other boys laughed so much I thought they were going to fall over into the pile of girls that had suddenly pushed away the arms of security that were separating us. Finally after the laughter had died down along with the colour of both Luke and I’s cheeks we were through the doors of the hotel making our way up to the boys floor, to my own room.

When I entered the room I was too exhausted to do anything other than fall straight onto the soft crisp sheets of the bed, jet lag was defiantly not my friend. I was slowly falling into sleep before there was a knock at the door, groaning I lifted myself from the bed. I already knew it was Luke at the door so I really didn’t care that my clothes were crumpled or I had the worse hair in the world I mean he had seen me in worse situations so tough. I opened the door unwillingly to confront my brother, threatening that he won’t have so many girls after him when I shave his head if he didn’t let me sleep.

“Come on, Kayles, everyone wants to meet you the whole crew are going to dinner after the show tonight so you have to come!” pushing the door wider so I couldn’t close it in his face when I refused, back to the old days I thought to myself. “Plus don’t you want to see the show; you’d have the chance to see One Direction in person, instead of staring up at the posters in your room.” He sang at me, wiggling his eye brows as he refused to leave.

“Okay, let’s get one thing straight before we even leave this room! I swear if you even try to embarrass me and mention anything about the collection of posters that I USED to have, you will not be able to play guitar no more! Understood?” I stood questionably over him.

“Understood!” he repeated backing away slightly with his hands in the air, “But you have to understand that that also means the same rule applies when it comes to One Direction.” He said sternly at me.

“What do you mean, ‘same rule applies’? I didn’t realise you had posters of them as well?” I mocked him slightly even though I knew exactly what he meant, no inappropriate behaviour.

“Kayles, you know what I mean! No getting involved with any of them! You’re here as my sister not to become a girlfriend, fling or any other kind of relationship, especially when it comes to Harry.” Well that sucks! Why he thinks that he has any choice in my relationships I don’t know, Ashton and I had broken that rule before during a drunken New Years. But hey better to just nod and accept rather than argue when I hadn’t seen him in months.

“Fine, like anything like that would even happen anyway. I’ll go tonight, and I promise to be on my best behaviour but I’ll need to get ready so leave please.” I smiled sweetly at him before pushing him out the door. 

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