Chapter 11

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Harry’s POV

I was desperately trying to entertain myself before we were due to go on stage to perform on possibly the biggest stage of our careers. The 5sos boys were on that very stage at the moment and Kayles had insisted that she wanted to go watch instead of hanging out with me so now I was bored. The adrenaline of performing hadn’t even began to set in yet as we all lounged about the dressing room with Zayn and Liam playing the Xbox shouting obscene insults at each other whilst Louis and Niall  were kicking a football around half naked. People always say that I wear the least clothes if only they knew.

So here I was sitting on the couch bored out of my mind with nothing or nobody to occupy me; however it wasn’t long before Louis decided to ask me all kinds of questions.

“So Harold, you seem a little happier recently?” he asked

“Hmm, I guess? Just enjoying tour more, that’s all.” I replied casually

“Or it may have something to do with a certain sister of a 5 seconds of summer member?” Niall interjected, at first I was shocked before scoffing in reply turning away from the two shirtless boys.

Kayles POV

I was on my way back towards the dressing rooms after watching the 5 seconds of summer set, having been made by all 4 of them to go watch them perform their latest song. I had decided to go see Harry, as it had felt like I hadn’t spoken to him properly in a while. I was just about to turn the door handle when I heard Harry’s raspy voice.

“Kayles and I are just friends, nothing happening.”

“Sure just friends, so that’s why I saw her sneaking out of your room the other morning? Hmm” I think Louis replied.

“Yes just friends, so what if we decide to have a little fun along the way?” A little fun?

“I don’t know, you two seem cute together. Maybe something in the future.”

“Damaged Goods.” That’s all he replied with. Was he saying that I was too damaged to even think of as a relationship? Not that I wanted one. Somehow I couldn’t walk away; I just stood there as they continued talking about me.

“What do you mean?” Niall this time replied, so it wasn’t just Harry and Louis. Different scenarios were swimming through my head the main one being all 5 of them sitting around in a circle like a bunch of teenage girls in a sleepover laughing about me behind my back and analysing every detail of the moments we had shared.

“Her last relationship was messy shall we say, I don’t think she ever recovered from it. The whole thing broke her.” I couldn’t listen anymore. I trusted him, I thought he understood, could relate considering he also just got out of a ‘messy’ relationship. I told him the one thing that meant something to me, my biggest mistake and darkest secret and he’s just told people I barely know.

As I turned away from the door my phone buzzed in my hand, slowly I took looked at the screen desperately hoping it wasn’t Luke moaning at me to return to the dressing room or worse Harry asking if I wanted to have some ‘fun’. Instead it was his name that flashed up on the screen.

Ex: I’m sorry but I need to know, is there anything going on between you and Harry? X

I thought for a moment, I used to think that maybe something could happen between Harry and I in the future but now that I’ve found out that I’m too broken that happening is probably non-existent.

 K: Nothing x

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