Chapter 6

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Before we knew it the sun was starting to rise in front of us, leaving the most beautiful glow across Harry’s face as he was chatting away next to me. Unfortunately we had run out of beer hours ago after my slight break down over him and Harry talking the whole ex girlfriend situation out.

“Abby and I had been friends long before we had even gotten together. Our mothers were best friends in high school and always stayed in touch so it was destined from the start that we would at least be friends.” he smiled at the memory of home. “From a young age Gemma had decided that she was too old to join in on our games, which of course we were completely fine with. As we grew older, we both took interest in the opposite sex and I liked her, of course I liked her. She’s gorgeous and has this smile that I swear can light up the whole world, but it never happened back then.” He sighed taking another sip from the 8th beer, as I listened to him patiently. “She was the one to convince me to go on X factor. We lost contact after for a while, that literally teared me apart, she’s my best friend.” He paused and looked over at me, “You tell Louis that or any of the boys and I’ll tell Luke your talking to me unattended!” he rose his eyebrows at me in question as I nodded whilst raising my hands in surrender. He gave me a small smile and a wink before continuing, “anyway, after the UAN tour I went back home to see her. I couldn’t stop thinking of her; I was so scared that she would hate me for practically leaving her behind. I remember there was so many butterflies in my stomach that I felt that I was going to puke right there on her doorstep.” He laughed again with the biggest smile. “That day was by far one of the best days of my life, turns out she wasn’t upset and defiantly didn’t hate me in fact that day we started dating.” He smiled again with this far away look in his eye, I thought back to the first day me and him, started dating. How in a blink of an eye, it was like that missing piece I had been looking for was finally there and I couldn’t have been happier.

“So what happened? If you were so happy?” I asked unsure if he would like to go any further into his personal life that somehow wasn’t so personal rather than front page news.

He took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself for the next few words that would fall from his lips, “Once people found out about our relationship, then the obvious happened. Hate would be sent; I would comfort her or receive texts and calls with her crying at the other end. It was my fault she was upset and there was nothing I could do to protect her.” He let out another shaky breath before continuing, “it’s the most heart shattering thing, knowing that the one person you love most in the world is not only because of you but there is also nothing that you can do to save her from it. She told me that she could handle it, that sure there were some that hurt more than others but she could move past it all.” Slowly tears were rolling down his cheeks, “I was so stupid, I shouldn’t have believed her for a second! If only I had dug my head out of the sand quicker then maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad and maybe I wouldn’t have lost her.” I waited patiently for him to continue, he wiped at his face removing the tears that had fallen onto his plump cheeks before trying to calm himself, down by taking deep breaths and drinking his beer to distract himself. “Anyway eventually it all got too much for her, anyone could see. I mean I may have been stupid, but even I could see it was affecting her. It was the only way to protect her, to let her go.” Many people claim that Harry Styles is a manwhore who has no respect for women; however the man that was sitting next to me wasn’t this media representation. He was simply a guy that was so in love with a girl he was willing to do anything to save her from the prying world outside her own front door, even if that meant giving her up. “I know she hates me, she thinks I don’t love her anymore or the way in which I did. I had to tell her that I didn’t want to be with her anymore, which is completely untrue. I knew I had to otherwise she would convince me to stay.” Yeah, he was defiantly just a guy in love.

Harry’s POV

I felt like a complete idiot after my whole confession of my relationship with Abby, Kayles only came on tour with us to spend time with her brother and mum however now she had spent the whole night, jet lagged I might add, listening to me cry over my failed relationship.

“Sorry I kept you up all night.” I whispered once I had managed to calm myself down and had managed to think through everything that had been said in the last 5 hours.

“Its fine, I couldn’t sleep anyway. Plus it was nice to talk to someone about all this stuff rather than to my dog or my dad.” She giggled slightly from her position on my lap; once I had started full out sobbing she had scrambled into my lap in comfort. It was nice, to have someone to cuddle with, of course if Louis found out I had cuddled with someone other than him then I would have my arms ripped off. Once my sobs had turned into small almost silent whimpers, she moved to return to her seat only being stopped when I held on tighter to her waist and nuzzled my nose into her neck, I whispered a quiet ‘stay’ before she relaxed into my arms again.

“You told your dad about him?” I pulled back slightly to look into her eyes.

“Yeah, I had to. Unfortunately crying in your bedroom for 2 weeks nonstop doesn’t go unnoticed no matter how many times you say you’re fine. He promised not to say anything to Luke till I’m ready but I have to tell him by the time he comes home.” Eventually we made our way back into the hotel and up to our rooms, I kept her close to me with my arm either slung around her shoulders or wrapped around her waist. It was something about her; everything with her was so easy from talking about Abby to just simply holding her close.

Luke’s POV

It was early in the morning, why the hell I was awake I have no idea. All the boys were asleep still and knowing them they wouldn’t be up till the early afternoon, I decided to go check on Kayles to see if maybe she wanted to get some breakfast or something. Since she arrived we haven’t really had some time to ourselves with the boys always constantly around. When I went next door to Kayleigh’s room, I knocked once and then again 5 minutes later, no response. I knew she was a light sleeper I had lived with the girl for 16 years and often been on the end of her usual morning rage when she had been woken up from her sleep.

That’s when I heard voices coming from down the hallway, as they neared closer they became more hushed. The voices rounded the end of the corridor; I looked up at the two early risers. One being the massively famous boy band member dressed in a pair of his trademark skinny jeans with a loose white low cut tee hanging from his shoulders with his hair pushed back in another of his trademark grey beanie. His tattooed arm was wrapped around a girl who was at least a head shorter with sandy coloured hair; she was dressed in dark blue skinny jeans paired with a large band tee and the band members hoodie wrapped around her shoulders underneath his arm. All I could see was his arm resting on my baby sister’s shoulders so she was tucked in close to him. They were laughing quietly still unaware of my presence. It was Kayleigh that realized I was standing at her door, I saw her nudge Harry slightly with her elbow as a guilty expression swept over her face, he noticed and was quick to remove himself before saying good bye quickly and rushing past.

“What did I tell you?!” My intense gaze burning through her as I whisper yelled at her.

“Relax nothing happened!” she argued back trying to unlock her door.

“Of course that looked like nothing?”

“We were just chatting, you know like friends do?” she replied sarcastically.

“Sure you were just chatting, sure you’re just friends! Come on Kayles I wasn’t born yesterday! Give me a break!”

“Give you a break! What about me? It’s nice to know you think so much of me!! You want to know what we were chatting about. His EX!! But of course you talk about the guy’s ex-girlfriend if you want to get into his pants!” She threw her hands up in exasperation. “Now if you don’t mind I am exhausted and you need to go take a walk otherwise we are going to kill each other!” She smiled sarcastically as she pushed me towards the door. I whipped round to face her before leaving.

“Okay, but we’ll talk later yeah?” she nodded quickly, “Sorry by the way.” She smiled again, genuinely this time before fully pushing me out the door.

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