Final Chapter!!!

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Everything was just quiet. Not quite silent as you could still hear the muffled conversation between my twin brother and his other two band mates but it was almost there. I had managed to calm myself down enough so I was able to breathe properly, focusing on Ashton whispering reassuring things in my ear whilst his thumb gently stroked my arm up and down giving me something to match my breathing to.

“What am I going to do?” I whispered once I manage to find my voice, I buried my head deeper into his chest, the grip of my fingers in his tee still tight as they were when I first fell to the ground in front of Ashton.

“Everything will be ok.” He whispered back.

“How? How is everything going to be ok? Luke hates me, the boys are going to hate me, and you hate me. It’s my fault; I’ve probably ruined everything between you and the boys and defiantly between you and Luke.” I was beginning to have another panic attack.

“Kayles calm down! You have to calm down, please. No one hates you and no one blames you. Please calm down.” He whispered again. “Just like before, Kayles. Focus on me.”

Once again, with the help of Ashton, the room became quiet all over again.

“You know you will have to speak to him, right?” Ash asked softly.

“I know. It will probably be best if I was by myself though.”

“Ok, but I’ll be just outside if you need me. Yeah?” I nodded, as he kissed me lightly on the cheek before standing up from where he was sitting next to me. Slowly he walked over to the hotel room door, taking a deep breath and turning the door handle.

Luke POV

I stood outside my own hotel room door waiting for Kayles and Ashton. I knew I had to calm myself down if I even wanted to see my sister again let alone talk to her. But it was like 100 questions were flying at me inside my head all at once. How long had it been going on? Is it still going on? How could I not notice? Did anyone else know? How could he? How could he look me in the eye day after day knowing full well he was lying to me? How did I miss it? Why didn’t Kayles tell me?

I mean I get WHY she didn’t tell me but Kayles but we tell each other everything, what if this thing between them was serious or something happened between them, shouldn’t I know? Ashton’s been in our lives for just over 2 and a half years, what if they’ve been going at it behind my back all this time?

The sound of the hotel door slowly pulling open pulled me away from my thoughts, I looked up from the floor where I had been staring at to see Ashton standing in the door way. His face was slightly swollen and you could already see the right side of his face beginning to bruise from the hit I managed to get on him earlier. From the corner of my eyes I could see both Calum and Michael stand up slightly straighter ready to intervene in case anything were to happen between Ashton and I.

“She wants to talk to you. Alone.” He said without meeting my eyes. Gingerly he stepped out of the door way as I moved past him. Once I closed the door behind me I had managed to have a look around the room, the events that had happened less than 10 minutes ago flashed through my mind. It was then that I seemed to realise what I had actually done.

I had hit my best friend. I had scared my sister so much she had gone into a panic attack. It was then that I had noticed my sister curled up in a ball, peering up at me timidly from where she was sat in the corner of the room. She seemed so small, I mean of course she’s always seemed small to me, but she looked tiny, innocent almost. Her eyes were red rimmed from the amount of crying she had done and her skin was paler than usual. You could tell that she had tried to look prepared almost from her hair being pulled back into a bun away from her face. I took a deep breath, before walking over to her. I slowly lowed myself down on to the floor making sure I sat at least a foot or so away from her.

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