Chapter 7

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Luke’s POV

After Kayles had thrown her hotel room door in my face, I decided that the least I needed to was calm myself down before returning to the hotel suit. Hopefully I would bump into Harry on the way and re-emphasis the meaning of ‘Stay away from my sister!’

I couldn’t send her home, for one she’d out right tells me where to shove it. But also mum would refuse as well as the boys, to be completely honest I would hate for her to have to leave no matter how annoyed I am at Harry and hers new relationship. Maybe I’m over reacting and being too protective but she’s my baby sister. I’ve always looked out for her, ever since we were 5 in the playground when Elliot Griffiths from the year above pushed her over.

I remember it so clearly, it being something that has always stuck with me. Even at 5 years old the idea of anyone hurting my sister, the instinct of being a big brother kicked in, determined to protect her. It had all started off when Kayles and I were playing with a race track our grandfather had got me for Christmas (it was my turn to pick what game we played), when Elliot decided that girls shouldn’t be playing with cars and took it away from her settling down next to me. Kayles obviously being determined and feisty even at a young age marched right over and demanded her toy back. Next thing I knew, Kayles was on the floor with tears falling from her eyes landing on her plump cheeks. After that I made Elliot give her the toy back and apologise before comforting my sister.

Sooner or later I reached the hotel door to the 5sos suite, I was surprised when entering to find the rest of my band actually out of bed and aware of the world around them. Calum and Ashton were both sat on the sofa sipping freshly made teas whilst Michael was shouting at some random game on the Xbox.

“Where have you been?” Calum asked as I took a seat next to him cuddling into his side finding the stress of the last half an hour fall away from my shoulders.

“Went to check on Kayles.” I mumbled in reply desperately trying to squish myself closer to Calum, as he tried not to spill his tea.

“She okay?” Ashton piped up on the other side of the couch. I just shrugged in response.

“She defiantly looked it under Harry’s arm.”

“Hold on she was with Harry? In her hotel room? Alone?” Michael had now paused his game to join in the conversation. I had shot up from my position in Calum’s neck to glare at Michael.

“What? No! Do you really think I would be this calm if I had found them cuddling in her room? No they were walking to her hotel room.” Everyone just shrugged, the air felt thick as the tense atmosphere settled around us after shouting at Michael. “Sorry. I just don’t know what to do about this. What will happen if they end up dating and he fucks her over or they break up before the tour is over? It would mean I would have to see his smug face every day, both of us knowing full well that he touched my little sister and she is no doubt at home crying over him.”

“Maybe it’s not what you think? Maybe they won’t date and they are just friends?” Ashton suggested looking down at his feet.

“Yeah let’s just hope shall we?” I nodded to myself more than anyone else.

Kayles POV

After the small argument with Luke over Harry, I managed to get a few hours sleep. Although that didn’t last long considering Harry kept constantly texting me. Anyone would of thought he didn’t understand the concept of jet lag, even though he travels round the world more than anyone has thought possible.

H: Hey it’s Harry, sorry if you got in trouble xx

H: did you get my last text or are you asleep?? Xx

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