Chapter 4

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Last night was great! I don’t think I’ve felt that happy since they left, it was nice just watching the 5 closest people to me talking, laughing and just being them. I never really took any thought into how much I would miss them when they said about going on tour, but it was heart breaking when I really thought about it. We went out to a lovely Italian restaurant, my favourite; I had a feeling that was why we went. The evenings was filled with laughter and smiles catching up with all the antics of the tour so far including when they decided to have a food fight with the one direction boys and after were made to clean all the buses to get rid of the mashed banana and oranges.

Every so often I could feel someone staring at me, not a stare to make me uncomfortable just almost a second glance. I knew who it was, of course I did but I couldn’t let that wall down. No matter how unstable I had built it that a simple glance into his eyes could push it down. Taking a deep breath I pushed the stabbing feeling in my chest aside determined to keep up the pretence.

Today I was meeting One Direction, to be formally introduced as Luke would put it. I laughed at myself remembering the interaction Harry and I had the day before, I still couldn’t believe I flirted with not only someone I didn’t even know but a multi millionaire that practically had girls begging at his feet and I walked away. I never did have much confidence, sure I would stand up for what I believed in or for my friends or family but when it came to me, I found it difficult to leave the house by myself. So flirting was defiantly not something I did every day.


Here it is, about to walk into the hotel restaurant to meet the biggest boy band in the world who are adored by millions of girls across the world. Not only am I about to meet them I’m about to spend a month on tour with them! Queue screaming girls, my heart was beating so fast it felt like at any second it would rip from my chest. Before we reached the door, Luke pulled me to the side.

“Okay, Kayles, you know the rules! No funny business, Understood?” I nodded as he repeated the same speech I had heard since we were thirteen. “They all know as well not to try anything.” What? My jaw had actually dropped to the floor, I could handle when I would get the lecture or even boys who we had grown up with but the 5 hottest guys in the world right now, that’s beyond embarrassing!!!!

I groaned as he opened the door to the hotel restaurant for me, great they are all going to think that I’m a child. More people treating me like a little girl, that’s all I need. Before I knew it I had 5 very hot boys lined up in front of me, smiling away.

“Hi, I’m Liam, you’re Luke’s sister right?” Liam smiled before engulfing me in his arms, I was screaming on the inside.

“Yep, that’s me, I’m Kayleigh but you can call me Kayles.” I smiled pulling away to look at the other boys before my eyes landed on a smiling but confused Harry, I smirked slightly till I was interrupted by two more bodies wrapped around me.

“That’s Louis and Niall they like new people.” Liam laughed gesturing to the two boys covering me.

“Hi Louis and Niall” I giggled again still screaming. I managed to get a muffled ‘hi’ back from both of the boys before they let go to stand next to me. Harry had stepped forward, coming towards me with his arms open.

“Hey, Kayles” he said smirking at me, testing my name on his lips. “I’m Harry.” He leaned in to hug me closer before whispering in my ear “Interesting.” If I wasn’t trying desperately to hold in the screams my jaw would have dropped. There was an awkward cough next to us and I looked up to see Luke raising his eyebrows at me – keep to the rules Kayles. Yawn.

Harry finally let me go as Zayn stepped forward and introduced himself.

“So Kayles you hungry?” asked Luke as the conversation had dulled down, I nodded as we were all directed to the breakfast bar before taking a seat. As we were grabbing some breakfast, of course I opted for fruit and cereal, a little girl ran up to the boys. She was the definition of adorable with a pretty pink dress, bright blue eyes and blonde hair that was in bunches falling down her back, in her hands were a small teddy and a notebook. She ran straight to Harry pulling slightly on his jeans to get his attention as her big eyes staring up at him for a moment before asking him for an autograph. Before long a worried mother approached the boys and this little girl who seemingly escaped her mother’s eye whilst eating breakfast to meet the band. They talked for a while as I admired Harry with the little girl as he bent down to her level asking about her teddy and her name. He obviously felt someone’s eyes tracing every slight action as I had forgotten that I had let my eyes linger to long on him a little long. Our eyes met and his expression soon turned from curiosity to a smirk fully aimed at me, I blushed a little turning back to grab an apple.

I felt someone stand beside me, of course it was Harry.

“I was not staring.” I said simply, fully aware of what he was thinking.

“I didn’t say you were.” He replied quickly, recovering from my explanation easily. Still smirking though, I groaned turning away to the table waiting for us. “But at least someone’s shorter than you.” He winked.

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