Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

He was standing at the door staring at us confused, that is until a girl with light blonde hair stepped forward from behind him. She was shorter than I remember but I've always loved that about her. How when we would kiss I'd either have an excuse to lift her up or to bend down to her level. I loved it when we would bake something together and the items she needed were always on the top shelf (on purpose of course), the way in which she'd have to go up onto her tip toes and the hem of her shirt would rise up a little as she reached. The scent of her skin was always intoxicating as I stood closely behind her, hand settled gently on her waist as I leant with little effort to get the needed item.

'I just came to tell you..' He drifted off, gesturing to the small girl behind him.

'Emily...' I rushed forward to her, the itching need to feel her pale skin underneath my finger tips. Kayles had immediately left to run after the Aussie band member. 'What are you doing here?' I asked finally able to pull her into my chest.

'I can go if you like?' She began to move away

'No don't!' Releasing the breath I hadn't realise I was holding 'Please don't'

'Louis phoned me. Said that you needed me, that maybe you had figured it all out'

'I never looked at it from your side before, how it must of looked or felt when I left. That's until I met Kayles, her and her ex broke up for similar reasons as I did with you.' I looked at her again making sure she understood. 'When we broke up I had convinced myself it was for the right reasons, that I was just saving all the heartbreak that was to come. I realised when talking to her that really I didn't save us, all I really did was not give us a chance. I'm sorry.'

'When you left, I'm not going to pretend that it didn't hurt or completely break me because it did but I understood why you did what you did.' she took a deep breath wiping away the silent tears that had begun falling to her cheeks 'however I wished you would have talked to me before. For one thing I would have told you, you were an idiot.' I giggled softly taking her hands in mine 'and for a second I would have told you that just because you go away doesn't mean all the crap from before does and believe me when I say the crap is a lot easier when I have my best friend and boyfriend to cuddle with at the end.' she whispered stepping forward.

'I missed you.' I whispered pulling her closer so our lips brushed against one another.

'I missed you too.' She lightly pressed her lips to mine as I pulled her even closer wrapping my arms around her waist as hers travelled towards my curls. We kissed for what felt like years but was only seconds, after we pulled away I immediately buried my head into her neck inhaling her sweet scent that I have missed the most. 'so this Kayles girl?' She whispered as her body tensed.

I giggled before replying 'she's just a friend, she has brother issues.'

'Huh?' she pulled away even more so she could look at me

'Well you know how I'm apparently the most over protective brother with Gems?' she nodded 'yeah well he's worse, I mean he warned me off her.' I giggled again bringing her close already missing her warmth 'plus you're all I want and need.' I kissed her again.

Kayles POV

'Wait! Wait up! please?' I begged as I chased after him down the hotels corridors.

'Why should I? You told me there was nothing going on, like 4 hours ago, and all of a sudden you're kissing him under the stars! really looks like nothing's going on there!' he shouted back at me.

'There isn't anything going on!' I shouted back he turned on his heel as the words left my mouth.

'Oh really, well I wonder how Luke would see it?' He rose his eyebrows

'You can't tell him! you know exactly what Luke would do if he found out! You can't!'

'Watch me!' he tuned back to continue down the hall.

'If you tell Luke about Harry you have to tell him about us!' he stopped then 'you have to tell him about how his best friend was going behind his back, dating his 'little' sister for a year, you have to tell him how you broke your best friend's 'little' sisters heart when you left, you have to tell him how you're the one that took my virginity!' I screamed at him. he turned to face me again walking forward so we were barely a foot apart.

'That's different and you know it' he spoke softly refusing to meet my eyes.

'Why because Harry's not you? which do you think will hurt Luke the most?'

He took a deep breath, before looking at me then back to the floor.

'He still has the right to know, about it all' he whispered looking at me once more and turning back down the hall.

'Please ash, don't.'

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