Chapter 2

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Luke finally left me to get ready for their concert tonight after constantly reminding me of his rules and that I wasn’t to speak to any members or the crew of One Direction till I have been formally introduced tomorrow. As I was only staying for the boys set before we all went to dinner I didn’t feel the need to dress special or anything. As soon as Luke left I jumped in the shower to get rid of the horrible airplane smell that always seem to cling to the skin and clothes. Picking clothes I chose a pair of black ripped skinny jeans that hugged my bum perfectly, a simple grey vest top with an unbuttoned light blue plaid shirt. The outfit worked well for me; I’m nothing like Luke, he’s tall and skinny whereas I’m quite short and have slight curves to be completely honest you’d only know that we were twins by the same sandy coloured hair, blue eyes and face shape. The skinny jeans made my legs look taller, the vest top and plaid shirt was able to exaggerate the best of my curves as well as hide the ones that were not so desirable, altogether the outfit was simple and effective, perfect for a meal with the boys tonight. I finished the outfit by curling my soft sandy blonde hair so it fell lightly against my back; I added a touch of make up trying to keep it as natural as possible before slipping on a pair of ankle boots with a heel. Finally I was finished and decided to head to the lobby to wait for the boys.

Once outside in the hallway making sure that my room was safely locked, I’ve been round the boys long enough to know they don’t understand the word boundaries, I began absentmindedly searching through my twitter notifications. Everyone seemed to have sent me pictures, quotes, gifs and videos of us entering the hotel when I was mistaken as Luke’s girlfriend, I laughed to myself as I scanned through the gifs of our grimaced faces when I realized that maybe I should be looking where I was walking rather than the touch screen in my hands as I walked into someone before nearly toppling backwards. Luckily before I was able to hit the floor, a hand reached out to stabilize me by pulling my arm towards them, it was only then that I looked up at the tall lean figure in front of me. Now normally when faced with a big celebrity the usual response would be to stutter, scream or cry, especially if this celebrity had once upon a time been plastered all over your bedroom walls, I however made a bigger fool of myself.

“Why is everyone taller than me?” I asked noticing the defiant foot difference between us. He just looked down at me, making me feel shorter, with a confused yet amused look in his brilliant green eyes.

“I don’t know why is everyone taller than you?” he responded back still uncertain of where I was going with this.

“Exactly!” I jumped smiling away.

“Are you okay? You didn’t hit your head or anything?”

“No, why would you ask that?” now it was my turn to look confuse.

“Well you look like a normal girl, a little short maybe.” He smirked at me as I glared back. “But you’re making no sense. Any normal person would just apologise for nearly mowing someone down in the middle of a hotel hallway and walk away yet you’re standing there asking me why everyone is taller than you?” Once he finished I realised that he was probably right. “Plus you’re not screaming or begging for a photo, so that concludes that you must of hit your head!” he smirked again.

“Well, sorry for walking into you and as for the whole screaming begging thing, I have a rule that guys have to ask me out first.” I winked before walking past him towards the elevators; I turned around again “See you around.”

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