Chapter 3

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I had no idea where all this confidence had suddenly come from, normally I would shy away from conversation when faced with a new person never mind a celebrity I had been obsessed with for the past 4 years of my life. As I began walking down the stairs, I don’t like elevators, I internally screamed! I can’t believe I practically flirted with Harry Styles and then just walked away. I walked away. Now I was kicking myself, I can’t believe I just walked away from Harry Styles, no picture, no autograph, nothing. Damn.

Harry’s POV

She left me standing there. She actually flirted like that and then walked away; she knew who I was as well. I was almost shocked; no one had walked away from me so easily since this whole thing had started. Finally I realised that I was actually on my way to Niall and mines room, to find my phone.


After nearly 10 minutes looking for my phone I was finally back in the car driving me and the boys to the venue, of course we were running late because I had forgotten my phone then the thing with that girl. I didn’t even get her name? Why was she on our floor? Normally management would book a couple of floors to stop scary fangirls from trying to get into our rooms after what happened in Japan. That was scary. So of course all the boys were annoyed at me for making them late but all you have to do is dangle chocolate in front of them all and they’ll cheer up.

I’m still thinking about that girl, it all confuses me. Why was she there? Maybe she likes one of the other boys, fair enough. Zayn has those cheekbones, Liam is sweet as can be, Louis is practically everyone’s best friend and Niall is just Niall any girl who doesn’t fall for him doesn’t know what she’s missing. What have I got to offer? I mean surely that’s why every relationship in the past hasn’t worked out, because well I’m me. Isn’t that why Abby left?

Abby. I haven’t thought about her for a while, tried to keep myself busy. To forget her. No, I promised her I wouldn’t but it hurts. They know, the boys, they know that I sometimes call out her name in my sleep, that during the concert I’ll space out just thinking of her, they know I miss her. But life moves on right, you love someone you let them go. Especially with my life…

Luke’s POV

Something felt different now that Kayles was here, good different. It was like everyone became happier since she arrived, when mum saw her at the hotel earlier I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile so much. I missed her so much, as children we were pretty much inseparable constantly making up our own games or I would force her to play sports and she’d force me to be her model. But luckily as we grew older we stayed as close as ever, obviously finding other friends than just each other but she is still my best friend. Of course I would never admit that my twin sister was my best friend especially to the boys. I loved the way she got on with the boys, they treated her like their own sister and I’m happy she had 4 guys to protect her, not that she needed protecting.

It was amazing to see my mum and Kayles getting along, not that they hated each other or anything, it was just Kayles was more of a daddy’s girl where as I was defiantly a mummy’s boy, again I will not be sharing that with the boys or anyone else.

I was looking forward to the dinner tonight, it would mean I could have a proper catch up with Kayles and she could see us perform again on a bigger stage this time. As a band we had already decided that this show was for her, without her we wouldn’t be here at all about to go on one of the biggest stages in the world, to perform in front of thousands of fans and support the biggest band on the planet right now. She was like our very own publicist, always sending our music to radio stations both big and small, going out and handing free CD’s to random strangers on the street just so they listen, tweeting anyone in the industry with the link to YouTube. She came to every show so tonight we will make her proud.

The show was better than amazing. I don’t think it could of gone any better, now that our names were bigger more fans looked forward to seeing us as well as One Direction, it was great to look into the crowd to find more and more 5sos shirts and posters. As soon as we came off stage I ran into Kayles arms grinning away.

“I’m so proud of you!” she whispered, squeezing tighter.

“Thanks sis, thanks for all of this.” She pulled away looking confused. “Without you, we wouldn’t be here. You were like out personal promoter, when you had the chance to speak to your heroes and instead you sent them a link on YouTube.”

“Hey, Lukey, you may be annoying, tall and can’t walk down a catwalk right,” she giggled “but your talented and deserve this you all do!” she smiled again, I pulled her into a hug. Looking over her shoulder I noticed Ashton glancing in our direction, smiling. Everyone was really happier now that Kayleigh was here, I don’t want her to go.

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