Chapter 14

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As I watched Ashton walk down the corridor away from me, my whole body fell into shock. Was he really going to tell Luke? He couldn’t, he knew what would happen. I mean the amount of times he had watched guys at the other end of his temper when they got just a little too close, who knows what would happen if he found out about our relationship. It was then that I realised that I needed to find Luke before Ashton did instead of curling up in a ball in the middle of a hotel corridor. What’s with it with me and hotel hallways? I feel like I’ve spent more time in a hallway then my actual hotel room.

As I began to head towards Luke’s hotel room, every possible outcome flooding through my head. As I turned down the last corner I walked straight into Louis.

“Hey, Kayles, you okay?” he asked pulling me so I was no longer falling over and instead stable on my feet.

“Yeah just things on my mind.” I replied distractedly

“Oh okay.” He said trying to regain my attention again. “Well your plan went well. Harry just texted me saying thank you and everything.”


“You know the plan for Harry and Emily to get back together. They’re outside now snogging away as if their lives depending on it.” He giggled

“Oh yeah, well he loves her so just needed to point him in the right direction I guess.”

“Well thank you anyway. Before you came along I was starting to get really worried he would never be the same. So yeah thanks.” He whispered before kissing me gently on the cheek in thanks.

“It’s okay. I’ll catch up with you later; I just need to go find Luke.” He nodded once before heading back in the opposite direction.

I started to head towards Luke’s hotel room again before being stopped once again by another member of One Direction, this time it was Niall.

“Hey Kayles!!!” he ran up to me, immediately embracing me in the biggest hug.

“Hey Niall, I’m actually really busy…” I began before he started going off into a random nursery rhyme and that’s when I realised that Niall was completely off his head. “Okay, let’s get you to bed shall we?” I softly spoke as if he was a 3 year old which to be honest could easily be mistaken.

“Noooo!!! I want to go swimming!!!” he whined trying to pull out of the grasp I had around his shoulders.

“Well you can’t! Maybe in the morning? Come on time for bed!” Eventually, I managed to steer him towards his hotel room. As soon as we entered the room, Niall immediately face planted the bed almost falling asleep straight away. I took the small bin from the en suite and placed it next to the bed in case his dinner felt the need to resurface during the night. As I pulled away to leave, Niall reached out to grab my wrist.

“No! Stay please, just until I fall asleep?” he whined again, I sighed before lying down next to him where he soon snuggled closer to my side. “You’re really warm.”

“Thanks” I ran my hand through his dyed blonde hair

“I’m really happy you’re here you know?”

“Why?” Niall and I hadn’t really spoken much or anything before; we’d always hug after a show or cuddle up close if Harry was unavailable as we both seemed to use him as a pillow when we were feeling particularly sleepy. Hint why it wasn’t that weird that we were snuggling in bed together now. 

“Because you give good cuddles, you’re always warm and everyone’s happy when you’re here.” He sighed contently before continuing, “He scared me you know.”

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