Chapter 4

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A/N: WARNING: Feels will be in this chapter, sorry if I hit any soft spots! <3

Daniel unlocked the door to his home and let Jax in first, who shook himself furiously. Daniel shook out the umbrella Lucy had lent him before stepping into the welcoming warmth of his bachelor pad. Daniel lent the umbrella next to his door before kicking his shoes off, jogging up the stairs leading to the living room and walking straight to the bathroom. He laid a towel down on the floor for Jax and rubbed his off quickly before shoving him out of the room and peeling off his soaking wet tracksuit. Jumping into the walk-in shower, he sighed with relief when the hot water hit his freezing skin. Scrubbing his hair, he began daydreaming about a certain blonde journalist. He felt himself grinning again, maybe he would text her after his shower... 'Ah shit! Walsh you're a fucking dumbass!' He thought, facepalming himself, he never asked for her number! He felt like an idiot. Now how was he supposed to keep in contact with her?! He leant against the tiled wall and folded his arms, thinking hard, maybe he could visit her at work and show up the Slitch? He shook his head, no he had training all week after today until the weekend. He puffed his cheeks out, he needed to do something romantic and win her over, but what? That's when it hit him, right in the face. He grinned, it was perfect.

Daniel drove down the busy road in his silver Mercedes-Benz with a box wrapped in blue and red paper on the passenger seat next to him. He pulled into Lennox Hill Hospital and found a space in the almost full parking lot. Killing the engine, Daniel grabbed the box and hopped out of his car, locking it behind him before jogging towards the entrance of the Children's Ward, out of the fine rain still falling from the grey sky. He shot a smile to the nurse behind the desk, who smiled back, "You know the way Mr Walsh."
"Thanks Gabby!" Daniel called, jogging down the hallway to his right. On autopilot, he stopped outside room 304 and knocked softly before poking his head into the room, "Helloooooo." He grinned at the corner of the room where a boy with no hair and brown eyes sat, hooked up to an IV and many other machines. The boy's pale face lit up and he went to stand, "Danny!"
"Don't get too excited honey." A woman said softly as Daniel stepped into the room. Her brown hair tied up in a messy bun and her honey coloured eyes looking tired. Daniel smiled at her, "It's fine Mom." He then turned to his brother, "Hey lil' man, how're you feeling?" He grinned at him sitting on the edge of the bed. Dylan grinned back an identical smile, "Good, I had a great sleep and the nurse let me have some candy earlier."
"Lucky kid." Daniel laughed softly before holding the box out to him, "I got you something."
Dylan took the box and shook it softly, "What is it?"
"Open it, I think you'll like them." Daniel smiled. Dylan smiled back before ripping the paper away and lifting the lid. He grinned and lifted a pair of kids size red boxing gloves with Daniel's eagle logo on them, "They're awesome!" He cheered, hugging his brother tightly, "Thank you!"
Daniel hugged him back tightly, "Your welcome buddy. These are the only pair in existence, take good care of them ok?"
"They're the only ones?"
"Yup. Got them made especially for my lil' bro."
Dylan hugged him tighter, "You're the best." His voice muffled by his older brother's jacket. Daniel patted his back before he sat up striaght and pulled the gloves on, flexing his wrists, they fit perfectly.
Their mother looked at Daniel, "You spoil him sweetheart." She chuckled. Daniel smiled before standing from the bed and giving her a hug, "I know." He then stepped back with his hands on her shoulders to look at her closely, "You haven't been sleeping again."
She sighed, "I've been trying but..." Her eyes strayed to her youngest son sadly and Daniel squeezed her shoulders to get her to look at him again, "I know you're worried Mom, but we just have to keep our heads up high for him ok? Don't worry yourself so much you join him in the hospital."
She swallowed heavily, her eyes glassing over as Daniel pulled her back to him for a hug. Dylan watched the two sadly before taking off the gloves and throwing his blankets aside. He shakily climbed off of the bed and took unsteady steps towards them silently, taking the IV with him for balance. He then buried his face into his mother's side, taking them by surprise. Daniel pulled him into their hug while their mother petted Dylan's head softly, sobbing. (I'm honestly so close to tears right now! DX ;-;)

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